Regional consolidated business space development (RekonGent)
This project aims to reduce traffic, especially regarding road freight transport. This goal shall mainly be achieved by developing new ways for spatial planning of businesses and logistic areas. The burden of freight traffic and also land consumption – due to a high number of trade and logistic properties – has increased steadily over the past years. This development is likely to continue until 2030 as forecasted by the current traffic integration prognosis. To this day, a reasonable spatial planning with regard to regional development has only been conducted in several pilot projects.
Hence, the project’s goal is indicating the potential of a consolidated business space development regarding climate protection and air pollution control on the one hand, and preparing a suitable funding or legal frame for fostering the desired development on the other hand.
Within the project partners from different departments are collaborating interdisciplinarly. The Chair of Transport Ecology is estimating the traffic-related saving potential of such a consolidated development. At first this will be examined macroscopically for the whole federal territory of Germany and on the basis of the forecasted development of freight traffic until 2030, and in a second step microscopically for two concrete examples.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).
- Fraunhofer SCS (Project Leadership)
- TU Dresden
- Logivest GmbH
- Beratung für Standort-, Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung Carsten Grasshoff
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo J. Becker
- Dr.-Ing. Falk Richter
- Dipl.-Ing. Sven Lißner
- Dr.-Ing. Thilo Becker
- 06/2016 to 06/2018