Jul 16, 2019
“Operations Research 2019” is hosted in Dresden, September 3 - 6
OR2019 is the annual scientific conference of the national Operations Research Societies of Germany (GOR e.V.), Austria (ÖGOR) and Switzerland (SVOR). All three societies invite researchers as well as students from all over the world to join this inspiring scientific conference.
With an expected number of approx. 400 presentations as well as 600 delegates from every continent, the OR2019 provides a comprehensive platform to discuss and exchange your research.
The OR2019 also introduces a new program which is part of the annual GOR-conference: a stream just for PhD-students called Dokt!OR.
Dokt!OR aims at supporting the network building of PhD-students working on OR-topics. It helps to get in contact with well-known OR-researchers, but also addresses soft-skills for OR and provides information about career paths with a PhD.
To register for OR2019 click here.