Topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses
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Own topic proposal: Students should develop their own ideas of a topic and review their proposals with the chair staff concerning its feasibility. Therefore, the content should fit the chair’s expertise and research interests. This also applies when collaborating with external partners. (For inspiration, there is a list of finished theses.)
List of topics: Alternatively, the chair offers a list of potential topics for the bachelor’s and master’s thesis. Please enroll in the corresponding OPAL course to gain access to these registers.
After deciding on a topic, students are expected to write an Exposé that includes the concrete research question, initial literature research, and the analysis methodology. It may include a presentation of the data as well.
Besides writing their thesis, students should attend the colloquium where final or provisional results of ongoing theses are presented and discussed. Please enroll in the corresponding OPAL course to stay updated on the colloquium.