Keynote speaker
We are pleased to have the following scientists as keynote speakers: S.P. (Serge) Hoogendoorn - TU Delft:
Serge Hoogendoorn was appointed Antonie van Leeuwenhoek professor Traffic Operations and Management in 2006. He has been the chair of the department Transport and Planning since 2018. He is currently (one of the four) Distinguished Professor of Smart Urban Mobility at Delft University of Technology. Prof. Hoogendoorn is the PI Mobility in the Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. Serge Hoogendoorn's current research evolves around Smart Urban Mobility. He is one of very few academics who has been awarded personal grants in all the components of the Dutch NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls scheme: VENI, VIDI and VICI (NWO is the Netherlands National Science Foundation). In 2014, he was awarded a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant (2.9 million Euros) for his ALLEGRO project on active mode mobility. Apart from that he has been awarded many scientific grants predominantly from NWO.
Prof. Ludovic Leclercq - Université Gustave Eiffel - ENTPE
Dr. Ludovic Leclercq is a Research Director (eq. Full Professor) at Univ. Gustave Eiffel. He received his engineering and master's degrees in Civil Engineering in 1998, his Ph.D. in 2002, and his habilitation thesis (HDR) in 2009. He is the current head of the LICIT laboratory. His research interests correspond to multiscale and multimodal dynamic traffic modeling and the related environmental externalities. Smart cities, mobility as a service, sustainable and reliable transportation systems are some of the applications his researches are targeting. In 2015, he was awarded the most prestigious research grant in Europe, i.e. an ERC consolidator grant in Social Science and Humanities. In 2019, he is the recipient of the "Grand Prix de l'Université de Lyon", a career award for his research in Transportation engineering.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., MA Marc Timme - Technische Universität Dresden
TU Dresden Strategic Professor and Chair for Network Dynamics, bridging the cfaed with the Institute for Theoretical Physics. Marc is interested in building mathematical, conceptual and algorithmic foundations towards an understanding of the collective nonlinear dynamics of networks and complex systems. Applications fields include biological and bio-inspired technical systems, future-compliant mobility and energy systems, network economy & sustainability as well as network inverse problems of inference, design, and control.