Project manager: Dipl.-Ing. Sven Fröhlich
Project duration: 2021 - 2024
TUD-internal project partner: Fakultät Informatik: Professur für Rechnernetze
Brief description: To increase the share of cycling, it is essential to promote the attractiveness of cycling. People travel by bicycle especially when they feel safe and find cycling comfortable. Both the issue of cycling safety and the travel time and comfort of cycling are addressed in the project.
In cooperation with the Chair of Computer Networks of the Faculty of Computer Science (TU Dresden), the Chair of Traffic Process Automation will develop a cyclist information system that gives cyclists a speed recommendation that, if followed, will allow them to arrive at the next traffic signal-controlled intersection during a clearance. There is no need to wait for a red light. This information will be displayed at selected points via information boards in the streetscape. An app is also being developed that will provide customized travel and speed information and offer multi-criteria bicycle routing. The app will simultaneously collect anonymized movement data of cyclists, which will then be available for analysis.
Furthermore, a traffic situation-dependent, multimodal optimization of the coordination of traffic signals is being developed, in which the progression speed of cyclists in particular should be given more consideration.
previous press releases:
25.10.2021 | heise online | Grüne Welle für Fahrradfahrer |
15.11.2021 | mobility talk | Grüne Welle für Radfahrende per App |
15.11.2021 | tagesspiegel backround | Die Grüne Welle App |
29.11.2021 | zeit online | Radverkehr Ampelschaltung Smartphone App Verkehrswende |
30.11.2021 | deutschlandfunk nova | Die App PrioBike wird in Hamburg getestet. Sie soll die Ampeln für Radler grün machen. |
05.12.2021 | utopia | Mit dieser App haben Radler*innen immer grün |
12.12.2021 | radioeins | App soll grüne Welle für Radfahrende ermöglichen |
01.02.2022 | WELT | Freie Fahrt für Radler - Dank einer App |
16.02.2022 | RESET Digital for Good | PrioBike: An App Letting Cyclists Ride Through the City on a Green Light Wave |