Implementation of responsible management education
Responsible management education means considering responsibility, sustainability and ethics in management education. Critical voices remain that sustainability has entered but not yet become embedded into mainstream business education. Business research tends to neglect dimensions which cannot be measured. Acknowledging responsibility, sustainability and ethics in management education means also having regard to different responsibilities in the relationship with various stakeholders and being aware of trade-offs between different dimensions of sustainability. The consequence of having imperfect tools leads to misinformed and therefore misdirected decisions. The means need to be improved to account for all dimensions of sustainability, their interdependences and trade-offs evaluated through ethical lenses.
In cooperation with the Copenhagen Business School, long-term signatory and champion of UN PRME [Principles of Responsible Management Education], its UN PRME office and the department of Management, Society and Communication [] we research the implementation of responsible management.
Dr. Anne-Karen Hueske
Since 08/2018
Prof. Kai Hockerts (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Prof. Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
- Hueske, A.-K., Aggestam Pontoppidan, C.: GEROCO: A model for integrating sustainability in management education at HEIs. In: Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P. and Mahoney, C. (eds.): Leadership and Strategies for Promoting Social Responsibility in Higher Education. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 2020. DOI: 10.1108/S2055-364120200000024009.
- Aggestam Pontoppidan, C., Iosif-Lazar, L.-C., Hueske, A.-K., 2020. E-Learning Mechanisms for Embedding Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Annual Nordic Chapter PRME Symposium, November 2020, Karlstadt (Sweden), virtual.
- Hueske, A.-K., Aggestam Pontoppidan, C., Iosif-Lazar, L.-C. 2020. Understanding E-Learning within Sustainability Transitions of Higher Education Institutions. 7th Responsible Management Research Conference, October 2020, Chur (Switzerland), virtual.
- Hueske, A.-K., Aggestam Pontoppidan, C. (organizors) 2020. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Special Issue Paper Development Workshop. 7th Responsible Management Research Conference, October 2020, Chur (Switzerland), virtual.
- Hueske, A.-K., Hockerts, K., Guenther, E. 2020. How Logics Shape Professional Identities: What Characterizes a Responsible Management Educator? discussed at the AMLE Paper Development Workshop. 7th Responsible Management Research Conference, October 2020, Chur (Switzerland), virtual.