ENERDAY 2022 - 16th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology
Table of contents
„Legacy assets and infrastructures in the energy system transformation - Out with the old, in with the new?"
Friday, 30 September 2022
Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dresden, Germany
Keynote Talks |
Use of energy scenarios at a TSO in Germany – recent developments and opportunities for research; Martin Klein (50Hertz Transmission GmbH) |
Flexibility in infrastructure markets - A multi-level perspective; Prof. Steven A. Gabriel, PhD (University of Maryland and NTNU Trondheim) |
Technical pathways to and economic issues with decarbonizing electricity systems; Prof. Ramteen Sioshansi, PhD (The Ohio State University) |
Energy Security |
The impact of energy security on a German energy system by 2030 and 2045 and the role of heat pumps; Christoph Kost (Fraunhofer ISE) |
European gas scenarios for the upcoming winter; Andreas Schroeder (ICIS) |
Natural gas markets between energy security and energy transition; Dzhanneta Medzhidova (Higher School of Economics) |
Flexibility and energy management systems |
Assessing demand response potentials in the climate-neutral German power system; Johannes Kochems (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.) |
Operational optimization of existing energy systems; Arne Martin (Fraunhofer IOSB-AST) |
How flexible electrification integrates fluctuating renewables; Leonard Göke (TU Berlin) |
Advanced optimisation in energy economics |
Hybrid Optimization - The impacts of extreme climate conditions on the future European electricity system; Maximilian Bernecker (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) |
Benders decomposition for energy system planning with multiple climatic years; Felix Schmidt (DIW Berlin) |
Multistage modelling approach to optimize investment and operational decisions in electricity markets with a high level of detail; Laura Torralba-Diaz (IER Stuttgart) |
Low carbon energy transformation pathways |
Developing low carbon scenarios for the European energy system: Exploring the role of renewable hydrogen in a sector-coupled European energy system towards 2050; Konstantin Löffler (TU Berlin) |
How does an early coal exit impact Germany’s natural gas dependence? Implications of the current coalition contract for the power sector in 2030; Hendrik Scharf (TU Dresden) |
Is Germany on the right track to achieve 2030 climate and energy targets?; Smaranda Sgarciu (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) |
Policy effects and implications on the future low-carbon energy and transportation sector; Karlo Hainsch (TU Berlin) |
Premature nuclear retirements and nuclear decommissioning funds: Insights from New York; Muhammad Maladoh Bah (University of Basel) |
Nuclear bias in energy scenarios – A review and results from an in-depth analysis of long-term decarbonisation scenarios; Björn Steigerwald (TU Berlin) |
Hydrogen markets and market integration |
Green hydrogen - How grey can it be?; Johannes Brauer (MINES ParisTech) |
Global hydrogen trade - A single-period mixed complementary model for the global hydrogen market in 2030; Leonhard Dux (TU Berlin) |
Sector coupling and market innovation |
Suggestions for improvements in TSOs regulation to foster energy innovation; Eva Marie Kurscheid (TenneT TSO GmbH) |
Investments in coupled energy sectors and market pricing; Jonas Egerer (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
Power sector effects of different supply chains for green hydrogen in Germany; Dana Kirchem (DIW Berlin) |
Statistical approaches for energy economics |
Shazam for the power sector - Application of Fourier transformation to unravel energy portfolio intermittency in the European power system; Felix Jakob Fliegner (TU Dresden) |
Simulation of Germany’s security of supply: long-term forecasting of electric load profiles using machine learning; Benedikt Prusas (HS Düsseldorf) |
The financialization of the European futures market for carbon emission allowances; Tom Dudda (TU Dresden) |
Energy efficiency and environment |
Municipal networks for mutual support: How can this contribute to the implementation of energy efficiency measures?; Uta Burghard (Fraunhofer ISI) |
Determinants of energy intensity in Turkish manufacturing industry; Umut Erksan Senalp (Trakya University) |
Renewables in transportation systems |
The competition of zero-emission vehicle technologies in road freight; Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zürich) |
Reviewing comparative life cycle assessments for battery electric vs. internal combustion engine vehicles for passenger cars; Christina Kockel (RWTH Aachen University) |
The role of public investment in building up a public electric vehicle charging grid; Marie-Louise Arlt (LMU München) |
Hydrogen and impact on electricity transport infrastructure |
Hydrogen electrolysis and electricity networks – What to support, what not?; Friedrich Kunz (TenneT TSO GmbH) |
Benefits of a hydrogen network in Europe with repurposed gas pipelines; Fabian Neumann (TU Berlin) |
Decarbonizing the industry sector and its effects on electricity transmission grid operation – implications from a model based analysis for Germany; Martin Lieberwirth (TU Dresden) |
Renewable auctions and financing |
Renewable procurement auctions and default: pre-qualification requirements; Silvester van Koten (CERGE-EI Prague) |
Market-financed large-scale solar power without support schemes?; Anurag Gumber (ETH Zürich) |
Preferential treatment in renewable energy auctions: an analysis of the reference yield model & German wind auctions; Prokop Čech (Jan Evangelista Purkyně University) |
Hydrogen and hydrogen-based commodities |
Opportunities for the German gas grid by using synthetic fuels from an energy system perspective; Felix Kattelmann (IER Stuttgart) |
Amonia and its role in the European hydrogen market ramp-up; Philipp Hauser (VNG AG) |
Estimating global production and supply costs for green hydrogen and hydrogen-based green energy commodities; Michael Moritz (Uniper) |
Renewables in developing countries |
South Africa's energy transition – Unravelling its political economy; Jonathan Hanto (Europa-Universität Flensburg, TU Berlin) |
How population migration affects carbon emissions in China: Factual and counterfactual scenario; Yan Bu (Dalian University of Technology) |
Sector integration of heating and cooling appliances |
Optimisation of costs, carbon emissions and thermal comfort in a building-level energy system model; David Huckebrink (Ruhr-University Bochum) |
Sector integration with residential heat pumps: the impact of building characteristics and user behaviour; Evelyn Sperber (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.) |
Load shifting of distributed cross-sectoral energy systems in economically optimised operation; Sebastian Berg (Fraunhofer UMSICHT) |
Decentralised energy systems |
Optimal economic and environmental design of multi-energy islands; Tom Terlouw (Paul Scherrer Institut) |
Local sustainable communities: consumer involvement for sustainable development in energy transition; Matthias Maldet (TU Vienna - Energy Economics Group ) |
Peer-to-peer trading in decentral energy markets with pro-active consumers; Jens Maiwald (HS Zittau/Görlitz) |