Public Outreach
Table of contents
We are excited about science and we try to use every opportunity to share our excitement with others. We engage with the general public to make the research more accessible, explain the scientific method, and try to inspire the next generation to follow in our steps and become scientists themselves!

Dresden Science Night 2019
Dresden Science Night
Every year we take part in the biggest scientific outreach event in Dresden: Dresden Science Night. Our employees combine efforts with colleagues from other institutes of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (BIOTEC and CRTD) to offer people a night full of excitement. It is a chance to meet the scientists, discuss, and even practice science. People can design their first scientific experiment or take a look at their own cells through a microscope. To learn more about the Dresden Science Night click here.
Senior's Academy
Science is constantly progressing and changing the world around us. It can be hard to try to stay up to date but.. It's never too late!
"Science creates bridges" is the motto of the Senior's Academy in Dresden which offers tours and lectures for retirees on a variety of contemporary topics concerning society, science, and technology. B CUBE scientists take part in Senior's Academy and offer lectures presenting their areas of expertise. To learn more about the initiative and see the lectures planned for this semester click here.
Summer University of the TU Dresden
Summer University of TU Dresden enables prospective students of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to get a peek into a real student life for a week. It allows a real-life insight into the study, research, and career opportunities of the STEM disciplines in Dresden. To learn more click here.
Visit us!
Are you a teacher and would like to visit us with your students? Come by for a small tour through our building! The students will meet some of our scientists and see how a real-life scientific lab looks like.
To arrange an institute tour please contact our PR Officer:

PR Officer
NameDr. Magdalena Gonciarz
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).