Education & Career
B CUBE is part of the teaching unit CMCB of the TU Dresden. The CMCB offers three international Master's programs (M.Sc.) Molecular Bioengineering, Physics of Life (formerly Nanobiophysics) as well as Regenerative Biology and Medicine. In addition, it offers the Master’s course Computational Modeling and Simulation, which is run jointly by the Faculty of Computer Science, the School of Science and the CMCB.
B CUBE scientists are also involved in teaching in Bachelor's and Master's programs of other faculties and institutes of the TU Dresden, as well as in supervising doctoral students (PhD).

Bachelor – B CUBE researchers are involved in the teaching of practical and theoretical classes in the Bachelor's programs of other faculties at TUD, for example in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Science und Computational Logic. More information can be found on the individual group pages.
Master – B CUBE is part of the teaching unit CMCB of TU Dresden. Three international Master's programs (M.Sc.) are offered "Molecular Bioengineering", "Physics of Life (formerly Nanobiophysics)" and "Regenerative Biology and Medicine", whose research-related teaching is based on the specific expertise of the individual institutes. Furthermore, B CUBE is involved in the Master's program of Biochemistry, which runs at the Faculty of Chemistry of TU Dresden. In addition, the Master's program "Computational Modeling and Simulation" is offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science and the Department of Natural Sciences. As a special option, the Erasmus Mundus course Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is offered as part of the Master's program Nanobiophyics.
PhD – The B CUBE provides research opportunities for outstanding candidates who wish to work towards a PhD. It is possible to accomplish an experimental dissertation in one of the various research groups, as a PhD student either in the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) or as a Bioscience PhD student (BiPS). Through these structured programs B CUBE offers several possibilities that support the scientific career of PhD students.