Jan 14, 2025
Prof. Henrik Bringmann Becomes New BIOTEC Director

Prof. Henrik Bringmann
As of January 1, 2025, Prof. Henrik Bringmann is the new director of the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC), one of the three institutes of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) of TU Dresden. He succeeds Prof. Simon Alberti, who has successfully led the institute since 2022. Prof. Bringmann will be supported by Prof. Alf Honigmann as the new deputy director.
Henrik Bringmann holds the Chair of Cellular Circuits and Systems at the BIOTEC of the TU Dresden. His research group focuses on understanding sleep, its functions, and its regulation. The Bringmann group studies sleep in both C. elegans (a nematode worm) and mice. By examining these two model organisms, they aim to uncover the general molecular mechanisms underlying sleep across species.
“I feel honored to take over the directorship of this highly successful institute from Simon Alberti. I’m looking forward to continuing the development of the institute alongside Alf Honigmann, with the aim of fostering excellent teaching and research at BIOTEC and CMCB.” says Prof. Bringmann.
About Prof. Henrik Bringmann
Henrik Bringmann completed his PhD in cell biology at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in 2007. For his postdoc research, he moved to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge. In 2009, he established his research group at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. Henrik Bringmann was appointed full Professor of Animal Physiology at the University of Marburg in 2018. In 2020, he became the Chair of Cellular Circuits and Systems at the BIOTEC of TU Dresden. From 2022-2024 he was the deputy director of the BIOTEC. As of 2025, he is also the second deputy director of the CMCB.