May 17, 2023
DIGIVID's Impact on Education: Lessons Learned from the Digital Competence Project
We would like to update you regarding the DIGIVID progress with our DIGIVID Mini-Bulletin. We are happy and sad at the same time that this is the last DIGIVID Mini-Bulletin, as the project ended in April 2023.
Multiplier Events
In March and April 2023, we successfully conducted our Multiplier Events. The number of participants was rather low (especially in Austria and Norway), however, the feedback we received from all participants was very valuable and positive. Overall the DIGIVIDget is perceived as easy and simple to use, offers interesting and relevant content, offers educational variety and is aesthetically appealing, offering informative visualizations on the student's own learning progress.
Student Research Project at TU Dresden
In cooperation with DIGIVID Ms. Nadine Lange, student in the TUD Teacher Training Program, does research on investigation and development of Media Competence among Teachers and Teacher Trainees. In her study on the use of the DIGIVID training program her research aims to explore the effectiveness of the DIGIVID training program in promoting media competence among teachers and teacher trainees. The study involves conducting workshops with each group, using DIGIVID as the training program. The focus is on the program's usability and the design and presentation of its content and learning activities. Research includes assessing perceptions of program usability and the role of usability in skill development. Data is currently collected through open group discussions and a post-workshop questionnaire on usability.
Governments all over the world responded to the COVID-19 crisis with severe "lockdown'' measures to stop the virus's spread. This required all educational institutions to close immediately, which had a significant impact on all of us and specifically on in- and pre-service teachers and lecturers. Since these stakeholders were not well prepared for online teaching, there was an urgent need for the acquisition of digital competences to deal with the sudden change from predominantly in-person practice to online distance teaching and learning. We applied for this project to address the challenges mentioned above and consequently we developed an easy-to-use learning management platform called DIGIVIDget that presents the content of the DIGIVID curriculum conveying both basic as well as more advanced digital competences for our target groups. The overall project goals and results achieved are the following:
● Goal: Developing a widget called DIGIVIDget that i) presents the learning content along learning goals, ii) offers the possibility to track one’s learning progress, and iii) is easy to use on the web and mobile devices.
● Result: The DIGIVIDget (, based on Moodle ( - an open-source learning management system that is easy to use on the web and mobile devices. It presents the learning content of the DIGIVID curriculum along competence-oriented learning goals using two sophisticated visualizations and allows one to easily track their own learning progress. It presents the content using micro learning cards implemented with H5P (, to create rich and interactive content based upon HTML 5. Additionally, it motivates users to reflect on the content by offering reflective prompts.
The DIGIVID Curriculum
● Goal: Creating learning content in the form of a curriculum for motivational online teaching and learning strategies based upon the 5 major competences of the DigComp 2.1 and DigCompEdu frameworks including well-formulated and target-oriented learning goals.
● Result: The final DIGIVID curriculum consists of three modules and two focus topics:
Module 1: Basic Digital Competences
Module 2: Understanding and Reflecting on Digital Lifeworlds
Module 3: Designing Digital Material, Focus Topic: Accessibility and Inclusion, and Focus Topic: Copyright, Licenses, Open Educational Resources.
The DIGIVID Target Groups
● Goal: Spread the DIGIVID results in our target groups and collect feedback.
● Result: Overall we have reached more than 1000 people via our DIGIVID dissemination activities including the learning and training activities (LTTAs), the Multiplier Events, presentations at different regional/local, national/European and international venues as well as introducing our results in more than 14 different courses in different universities.
DIGIVID in numbers:
We thank you all very much for your support, especially in spreading the DIGIVID project and its results in your newsletters and via your networks. We thank you all for attending one or the other DIGIVID activity like the co-design workshops, the DIGIVID learning and training activities as well as the Multiplier Events. The DIGIVID project consortium says goodbye and hopes to see or meet you again in other upcoming projects.
The DIGIVIDget is available at: