As a research center, we are interested in how digital media and tools can be used for teaching, learning and research, and how their use changes the world of work and everyday life. With over 70 employees, we conduct interdisciplinary research on digital media and tools and develop suitable concepts, educational offerings and digital applications. We set and pursue research and development topics both on our own and in alliances with partners from the TU Dresden, the entire federal territory and 15 countries worldwide.
We organize our work in thematic research groups. Open discourse is important to us, which is why we communicate through various channels: We publish papers for different target groups, run a blog "Digital für alle", and organize thematically focused events. Our projects are funded by various funding bodies. Furthermore, we have been a member of the Center For Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS) since 2022.
A review of the research year 2020 as well as a summary of our projects can be found in our annual report.