Sep 13, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023; Interactive Event
GeNeMe 2023: Self-determined participation in the digital transformation
The annual GeNeMe conference „Communities in New Media“ discusses online communities from an integral perspective on several disciplines such as computer science, media technology, business and economics, education and information science, and social and communication science. As a forum for transdisciplinary dialogue, GeNeMe facilitates the exchange of experience and knowledge between participants from a wide range of disciplines, organizations, and institutions, focusing on research and practice.
GeNeMe 2023 takes place from September 13-15 and opens up the discussion around issues of inclusion and participation in the context of digital formats and innovations. Among others, the following questions, will be reflected upon: How can inclusion be implemented through digitalization and what are the possibilities for doing so? How can participation in and through digitalization succeed? What are architectures and professional skills in the context of specific target groups?
The conference is led by a group of scientists from the faculties of Education and Economics, the Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP) of the TU Dresden as well as the DGUV University of Applied Sciences (HGU) and the HS Stralsund, with the kind support of Silicon Saxony e.V.
The 26th GeNeMe will take place in hybrid form with a focus on on-site participation and optional online participation. Supplemented by attractive online formats and at the pre-conference, we aim to create a virtual conference experience with the immersive TriCAT software, gather experiences and exchange ideas about and with visionary virtual environments that (should) enable participation in a wide variety of settings.
We cordially invite you and you to actively participate in GeNeMe. More information about the contribution submission and the conference fees can be found on the event website:
GeNeMe - Communities in New Media
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Strehlener Strasse, 417 Strehlener Strasse 22/24
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation
01062 Dresden