Aug 08, 2022
Mut zur Sichtbarkeit - Workshop für Doktorandinnen

Eine Frau spricht an einem Pult in ein Mikrofon
Afraid of being judged?
Do you have hesitations before appearing at a conference?
Will you be good enough and convincing in the end?
Many people know these or similar thoughts with which one is one's own toughest critic. The workshop “Courage to be Visible” would like to invite you to rethink, to break down your own inhibitions. The offer, initiated by the Diversity Management department, is aimed at female doctoral students of all disciplines. In a protected setting, the participants can playfully explore different situations of being exposed and gain the courage to show themselves to others in a self-confident and individual manner. Subsequent individual coaching offers the opportunity to work on very personal challenges and thus noticeably strengthen performance skills. The workshop will be held either on 06./07. October or on 14./15. Offered November 2022.
If interested, please register by Email until September 11th 2022
Please also indicate a preference for one of the two possible dates. More information at