Nov 15, 2023
Remembering November 9, 1938: »Quick Question« to historian Dr. Johannes Schütz
November 9 marks a significant date in the German culture of remembrance. The pogroms which took place on November 9, 1938 are also among the most serious caesuras in German history. On the occasion of the 85th commemoration day, the historian Dr. Johannes Schütz talks in the " Quick Question" about why we remember November 9, 1938.
Kurze Frage Was passierte am 9. November 1938 in Dresden © TUD 2023
The video explains the developments that led to the November pogroms and how National Socialist state ideology paved the way for the nationwide violence against Jews and their businesses and synagogues. In the video, Dr. Johannes Schütz from TU Dresden's Institute of History takes a look at the events in Dresden, where the Old Semper Synagogue was set on fire on the night of November 9 -10, 1938.
The state capital of Dresden is commemorating the Pogrom Night of 1938 with numerous events on November 9, 2023. TU Dresden is also remembering the 85th commemoration day of the November pogroms. In addition to free tours and film screenings, the program includes a piano concert performed by Polish pianist Katarzyna Wasiak with a book presentation on Jewish life in Wrocław from 1933-1949, and previously unknown photographs of the Wrocław deportation point. Find out more by visiting
Dr. Johannes Schütz
Chair of Modern and Contemporary History