Aug 12, 2019
Conclusion of the lecture series "Inklusive Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft - Handelnde Teilhabe für alle, aber wie?"
We look back on a successful lecture series with seven input-rich sessions in which speakers, commentators and the audience dealt with school as an inclusive place in the migration society.
The lecture series was accompanied by four practical workshops, which discussed the analyses presented in the lecture in relation to concrete fields of action in the school of the migration society and contributed to the networking of various actors.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors for their knowledge, travel, support and rich exchange!
Our special thanks go to the participants in particular:
Speakers: Dr. Mai-Anh Boger, Prof. Dr. Maria do Mar Castro Varela, Prof. Dr. Inci Dirim, Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni, Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril,Toan Quoc Nguyen, Saphira Shure, Dr. Anja Steinbach
Commentators: Ely Almeida, Suene Dantas, Juliane Dieckmann, Juliana Dressel-Zagatowski, Prof. Dr. Anke Langner, Anne Lenk, Melanie Pißner, Uta Reichel, Linh Tran
Responsible lecture series organisers: Carolin Eckardt, Rico Ehren, Almut Gelenava, Irina Grünheid, Noa K. Ha, Huda El Husein, Anna Nikolenko, Karoline Oehme-Jüngling, Bozzi Schmidt, Nora Zeising