Oct 29, 2019
Conference on democracy „Friedliche Revolution gestern – Unfriedliche Demokratie heute?“
On 9th November 2019, this year’s conference on democracy addresses the question "Friedliche Revolution gestern – Unfriedliche Demokratie heute?". The conference will take place in the town hall of Dresden Johannstadt, and is organised primarily by the state capital Dresden and the Dresdner Geschichtsverein e.V.. In the afternoon, the ZfI will offer a workshop. There, the last 30 years and the experiences with the reunification shall be presented from an explicitly Vietnamese-German perspective. Thus, the ZfI invites the filmmaker and essayist Angelika Ngyuen, and her film "Bruderland ist abgebrannt" will be shown. The film was developed in the year 1991, and it documents the story of the contract workers from Vietnam after the breakdown of the GDR, which caused them to lose their jobs. The extremely near and close contemporary document in the film takes a look into the city of Berlin in the 1990s, when people from Vietnam were not only struggling with the loss of their job, but also with the loss of perspectives to stay, with daily hostility, and with the risk of racist violence. After the film, the ZfI invites you to a joint workshop talk with the filmmaker and essayist Angelika Nguyen, which will be moderated by Noa Ha.