Jun 01, 2022
Information course for Ukrainian professionals in the fields of social work and pedagogy at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden
The Zentrum für Forschung, Weiterbildung und Beratung at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden (ehs) offers various qualification measures and counselling opportunities as part of the IQ Network Saxony, which aims to sustainably improve the labour market integration of adults with a migration background against the background of the idea of „Integration durch Qualifizierung (IQ)“. These are aimed at people with foreign university degrees who want to (re-)enter a job in the fields of social work, pedagogy or education in Saxony. The aim of the courses is to pave the way to employment in the above-mentioned fields with appropriate qualifications.
From 20.06. to 07.07.2022, the ehs Centre is offering an information course for Ukrainian professionals in the fields of social work and education, in which modules on various relevant topics will be discussed, such as the Saxon school system, technical and professional language and job opportunities in daycare centres, schools or in the social sector. The modules are held in German with translation into Ukrainian or Russian.
Further information on the course and registration formalities can be found here.