Sep 14, 2018
Noa Ha in the MDR magazine "Nah dran"
All people have the same rights and their dignity is inviolable, as it says in the Basic Law. In the reality of life, however, things often look different. People who do not conform to the norm are often rejected. People are excluded because of their origin, their appearance, their faith or their way of life.
The magazine "Nah dran" dedicated its issue of 13 September 2018 to the topic "... und raus bist du! Die Macht der Ausgrenzung" and visited, among other things, the current exhibition „Rassismus. Die Erfindung von Menschenrassen“ at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden. Noa Ha, junior research group leader at the Centre for Integration Studies, was interviewed as an expert on site. The contribution can be viewed here.