Sep 24, 2021
QuaBIS receives teaching award for diversity-sensitive teaching at the TUD
One of the winners of the TU Dresden's Teaching Award for Diversity-Sensitive Teaching 2021 is QuaBIS.
Belma Bilir, Mara Fink, Thomas Gasch, Sophia Liebich, Clemens Ziegner, Pierre Zinke, Karin Mannewitz and Laura Schmidt, as well as Anke Langner in the project management, received the prize for the seminar "DIY Inklusion an der TUD - anfangen weitermachen, nicht aufhören" as part of the QuaBIS project (Qualifizierung von Bildungs- und Inklusionsreferent:innen in Sachsen).
We are the QuaBIS project at the TUD. QuaBIS means „Qualifizierung von Bildungs- und Inklusionsreferent:innen in Sachsen“. In the winter semester, we held a seminar from October 2020 to the end of January 2021. The seminar was called "DIY Inklusion an der TUD - anfangen weitermachen, nicht aufhören". DIY is an English abbreviation that means "do it yourself".
Inclusion wants everyone to be able to participate and no one to be excluded. Therefore, students should consider whether the university works well for everyone. Many students in the seminar get along at the TUD. They don't come up against any barriers. That's why we gave you roles. What is it like when you have to work a lot besides your studies? Taking care of your grandpa? There is no toilet to go to? Have holidays or prayer times that can't be celebrated because you're at university? Or for other reasons it is difficult to participate because the conditions at the university do not fit in well with your life or the way you are.
Inclusion also means that things change for people, not people, so that they can belong. The students then had to think about how they can change the TUD so that everyone can study well here. We really enjoyed working with everyone to think about how to change things together. At the beginning we were in the gym in August Bebel Straße so that everyone could keep their distance, then came the second lockdown and everything was digital.
More information on the awards for diversity-sensitive teaching and all award winners in 2021...