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Sep 24, 2024 - Sep 29, 2024

"Shaping Transformation. University Collections in a Changing World" - joint annual meeting of ICOM-UMAC and UNIVERSEUM 2024

Kustodie; ICOM-UMAC; UNIVERSEUM European Academic Heritage Network
Start and end time all-day
Location TU Dresden

Sep 27, 2024

Opening of the exhibition GROUND TRUTH by Lena von Goedeke, Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden 2024

Start and end time 07:30 PM
Location Gallery of the Kustodie in the Görges-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 9, 01069 Dresden.

Sep 30, 2024 - Jan 24, 2025

Exhibition "Ground Truth" by Lena von Goedeke, Schaufler@TU Dresden 2024

Start and end time Sep 30, 2024, 03:00 PM - Jan 24, 2025, 06:00 PM
Location Gallery of the Office for Academic Heritage
Görges-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 9, 01069 Dresden.

Oct 02, 2024; Reading

Transformation East

East Germany: home and identity? Resurgence of a difficult constellation | Reading and discussion

Bereich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Speaker(s) Sabine Rennefanz (Journalistin und Autorin)
Dr. Johannes Schütz (Historiker, TU Dresden)
Start and end time 06:30 PM
Location COSMO Wissenschaftsforum im Kulturpalast
Schloßstraße 2, 01067 Dresden

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Oct 16, 2024; Exhibit

Guided Tour: "Ground Truth" with Lena von Goedeke, Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden 2024

Schaufler Lab; Kustodie
Start and end time 06:00 PM
Location Gallery of the Office for Academic Heritage
Görges-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 9, 01069 Dresden.

Oct 23, 2024; Talk

Transformation East

All quiet on the Eastern front? 35 years of transformation research in the Saxon longitudinal study

Bereich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Speaker(s) Prof. Dr. Hendrik Berth (Psychosoziale Medizin und Entwicklungsneurowissenschaften)
Start and end time 06:30 PM
Location COSMO Wissenschaftsforum im Kulturpalast
Schloßstraße 2, 01067 Dresden

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Nov 04, 2024

Short workshop as part of the 2024 GSW-Postdoc-Forum: “Text-generating AI and good scientific practice in the humanities and social sciences”

Speaker(s) Dr. Torsten König, contact person for GWP in the GSW school
Members of the Digital Teaching team in the GSW school
Start and end time 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Location SLUB Open Science Lab
Zellescher Weg 25, Room OLR 1 (100)