Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Table of contents
An overview of the research and publication activity of the chair holder can be found in the Research Information System (FIS).
An extended CV can be found at the pages of the chair's team.
Membership (s) in academic committees
Membership (s) in academic committeesMembership (s) in academic committees
- Media Center of the TU Dresden: Director from 04/2008
- Faculty of Education: Chairman of the Doctoral Committee since 10/2006
- Director since 11/2012Institute for vocational education and vocational didactics: sv.
Participation in TU internal scientific bodies
Participation in TU internal scientific bodiesParticipation in TU internal scientific bodies
- Multimedia Board of TU Dresden: Member since 06/2006
- Media Design Center: Scientific Director 11/2005 - 05/2008
Participation in external scientific networks
Participation in external scientific networksParticipation in external scientific networks
- Society for Media in Science (GMW e.V.): Chairman of the Board since 09/2012
- Arbeitskreis eLearning (Advisory Council) of the Landeshochschulkonferenz Sachsen: Representatives of the TU Dresden since 01/2007 as well as spokesman of the working group since 05/2007, previously spokesman of the project management Bildungsportal Sachsen (06/2006 - 04/2007)
- eScience Research Network Saxony: Spokesman of the project management since 05/2011 - 12/2015
- Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0: Member of the Spokesmen Group since 11/2013
- H2020 MOVING project (TraininG towards a society of data-savvy inforMation proFessionals to enable open leadership INnovation): Project management TU Dresden since 06/2016
- Junior research group AGILE PUBLIKA: Project management TU Dresden since 10/2017