basic seminar "media didactics"
Dipl.-Ing.-Päd. Hartmut Simmert
Module EW-SEBS-BW-3
As a project seminar on the didactic design of text and image media, the course offers the opportunity to deepen media-didactic knowledge and to acquire skills in dealing with software tools for computer-aided design and publishing. The focus is on:
• Media taxonomies, media functions and media didactic areas of action
• Technical design of text, graphics and image media
• Didactic design of print media of the type worksheet, poster, brochure, lead text, etc.
• Didactic design of teaching-oriented presentation media as well as learning-oriented web applications
The online registration for the seminars is via
Basic literature:
- Weidenmann, Bernd: Lernen mit Bildungsmedien, Psychologische und didaktische Grundlagen. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim und Basel (1991)
- Bredemeier, Karsten; Schlegel, Hartmut: Die Kunst der Visualisierung, Erfolg durch zeitgemäße Präsentation. Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich und Wiesbaden (1991)
- Maier, Wolfgang: Grundlagen, Medienpädagogik, Mediendidaktik, Ein Studien- und Arbeitsbuch. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim und Basel (1998)
Offers for students of the directions:
- teaching degree "Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen"
- for all vocational specializations ; in the module EW-SEBS-BW-3 „Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen“
All organizational information can be found in the central course catalog or the description in the Learning platform OPAL