Lecture: Educational Technology I - Basics (Bildungstechnologie I)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
The lecture focuses on the introduction to the use of new media for teaching and learning applications. First, basic pedagogical and media-technical connections of the functioning of new media are conveyed. Accordingly, the perception of and by newer computer- and internet-based media is presented, as well as the effects of this media and their analysis.
Under the focus teaching and learning, competencies for the assessment and use of internet-based technologies for training and further education in school, company and university contexts are then imparted. In addition to basic skills for targeted use, the evaluation of the available solutions against the background of the application scenario is discussed. We will investigate whether the school of the future can be a part of not just the everyday life of the pupils in a completely new form, so to speak be redesigned as 'education at any place and at any time'.
The online registration in the course takes place at http://opal.sachsen.de
Basic literature:
- Issing, L. J. & Klimsa, P. (2008): Online-Lernen. Ein Handbuch für das Lernen mit Internet; München, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. [in: Zweigbibliothek Drepunct unter DP 2600 I86 O5]
- Schulmeister, R. (2002): eLearning. Einsichten und Aussichten; Wien, Verlag Oldenbourg [diverse in: Lehrbuchsammlung Zentralbibliothek Drepunct]
- Frindte, W. & Köhler, T. (1999): Kommunikation im Internet; Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Verlag. [in: Zentralbibliothek (1-mal als Freihand und 1-mal als Präsenz) unter AP 18450 F914 und Bereichsbibliothek DrePunct (1-mal als Freihand) unter MS 7850 F914]
- Lattemann, C. & Köhler, T. (2005): Multimediale Bildungstechnologien I: Anwendungen und Implementation; Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Verlag. [Präsenzbestand in der Zweigbibliothek Erziehungswissenschaft unter AL 40400 L364]
Offers for students of the directions:
- teaching degree "Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen" in the module EW-SEBS-BW-3 „Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen“
- diploma in "Medieninformatik" in the complementary study of further educations (basic study)
- master degree „Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building” in the module MA VocEd M2 „Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen“
- master degree "Weiterbildungsforschung und Organisationsentwicklung"
All organizational information can be found in the central course catalog or the description in the Learning platform OPAL