DiKoLA - Digitalization-related competencies in the teacher training courses at TU Dresden
Teachers on teacher training courses face a variety of challenges associated with digitalization. In order to enable student teachers to promote comprehensive media education for their pupils as teachers, teachers on teacher training courses must themselves have comprehensive media education, which today includes areas of competence related to digitalization processes in particular. This involves both media-didactic and media-pedagogical content as well as methodological-didactic questions and challenges.
Against this background, the aim of the DiKoLA project is to develop a competence framework "Digitization-related competences of teachers in teacher training courses" that includes all levels, i.e. integrates the media-didactic and media-pedagogical dimension in terms of content and at the same time includes the level of teaching, thus addressing higher education didactic issues and the corresponding required competences. This is a prerequisite for systematically anchoring the goal of "digital education" in teaching in teacher training courses.
On the other hand, the DiKoLA project aims to analyze existing teaching practice with regard to best practice and existing potential. This is done using the example of TU Dresden in the form of a monitor "Digitalization-related competencies in teacher training courses". On the basis of the competence framework and the monitor, current relevant further training courses for teachers in teacher training courses are analyzed across all universities with regard to existing needs and recommendations for action are then derived.
You can keep up to date with all the background information on media education in teacher training courses here: https: //tu-dresden.de/gsw/medienpaedagogik-im-lehramtsstudium
The project is being carried out in cooperation with the Chair of Media Education (Prof. Dr. Ralf Vollbrecht) and the Chair of Educational Technology (Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler).
Project team
Prof. Dr. Ralf Vollbrecht, Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler (project leader)
Christine Dallmann, M. A. (project coordination)
Dipl.-Komm.psych. (FH) Nadine Schaarschmidt (Research Associate)
Verena Odrig (Research Associate)
Mariane Liebold (Research Assistant)
Juliane Tolle (Student Assistant)
Project duration: 01.07. 2019 until 31.12.2020
- Odrig, Verena/Dallmann, Christine/Schaarschmidt, Nadine/Tolle, Juliane (2020): Digitization-related competences of university lecturers in the teaching profession. An inventory. In: WeL - Workshop on E-Learning (2020). URL: https://zfe.hszg.de/fileadmin/NEU/Redaktion-Zfe/Dateien/wel/wel20/Tagungsband_WeL20.pdf.
- Schaarschmidt, Nadine/Tolle, Juliane/Dallmann, Christine/Odrig, Verena: Digitalization-related competencies of teachers in teacher training courses. Development of a competence framework. In: GeNeMe - Communities in new media (2020). URL: https://tud.qucosa.de/api/qucosa%3A72808/attachment/ATT-0/.
This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon state parliament.