May 31, 2024
"Talking with people, not about them": project launched with Ukrainian pupils
"Not talking about people, but with them". This is the motto of Kristina Kocyba's course on the integration of refugees at school. The exercise gives student teachers the opportunity to deal with the topics of flight, protection and school integration not only theoretically, but also practically. The cooperation partners for this are the Ukrainian House of Plattform Dresden e.V. and the Dresden Council for Foreigners.
In close exchange with these partners and together with the refugee pupils, the students learn from their very different experiences and reflect on their own role as teachers. Many young Ukrainians would like to have even closer contact with their German classmates or to be involved in sports clubs. The reports of those studying at the Dresden International School were particularly impressive. Here, the negative effects of the language barrier are much less noticeable and the young people are able to continue their education successfully. The Ukrainian class at the Dresden-Bühlau grammar school also reported very positively.
The Dresden students are currently working on four projects as part of the course: Guided tours of the TU Dresden campus and a picnic on the Elbe are planned. In addition, educational videos and presentations on the topics of vocational training and studying in Saxony/Germany are being created. We will present the results here.