Dr. in phil. Annett Kupfer
Dr.in phil. Annett Kupfer
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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Organization NameProfessur für Sozialpädagogik
Visiting address:
Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
- work Tel.
- +49 351 463-33087
Studienfachberaterin Konsekutiver Masterstudiengang Sozialpädagogik
Organization NameStudienberatung
- work Tel.
- +49 351 463-33087
Office hours:
in vorlesungsfreien Zeit nach Vereinbarung, Bitte schicken Sie 2-3 Terminvorschläge.
- Member of the German Society for Educational Sciences (DGfE) https://www.dgfe.de/
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the German Counseling Association (DGfB, spokesperson)
https://dachverband-beratung.de/wissen/wissenschaftlicher-beirat/ - Member of the Association of University Teachers for the Promotion of Counseling/Counseling in Research and Teaching (VHBC) https://www.vhbc.de/
- Member of the Counseling Forum of the German Society for Behavior Therapy (dgvt)
https://www.dgvt.de/der-dgvt-verein/fachgruppen/forum-beratung/ - (Former) member of the (former) Center for Integration Studies (ZfI)
- Member of the congress planning group of the DGVT Congress for Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling (2015-2019)
- Member of the Funding and Qualifications Framework for Counseling (EQF/DQR) working groups of the German Counseling Association (DGfB) (2015-2018)
since 09/2021 Research Associate at the Chair of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, Institute of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, TUD Dresden University of Technology
03/2020-09/2021 Maternity leave and parental leave
11/2017-03/2020 Research Associate at the Chair of Social Pedagogy, Institute of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, Faculty of Education, TUD Dresden University of Technology
2014-2018 Teaching assignments at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt
09/2016-10/2017 Maternity leave and parental leave
2015-2016 Research Associate at the Chair of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, Institute of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, TUD Dresden University of Technology
2014-2015 Research Associate at the Chair of Counselling and Social Relations and at the Chair of Social Pedagogy, Institute of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies, Faculty of Education, TUD Dresden University of Technology
2014 PhD on the topic: "Social support and psychosocial counseling. A qualitative analysis of the relationship between informal and professional support processes" (overall grade: summa cum laude)
2010-2014 Research Associate at the Chair of Counseling and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Education, TUD Dresden University of Technology
2004-2010 Studied Educational Science, Sociology and Romance Studies (Magister, Technical University of Dresden)
Core research areas:
- Socio-educational and psychosocial counseling
- Social networks and social support
- Resource orientation, empowerment and coping research
- Intersectionality (incl. gender and classism research)
- Critical (trans) migration research
- Evaluation and impact research (triangulative research designs)
Topics in teaching (the last five years)
Winter semester 2024-2025
- Resource orientation and empowerment
- Social work as a stakeholder in welfare production
- Social pedagogical research internship
- Classism and social work
Summer semester 2024
- Social pedagogical perspectives on childhood today
- Milieu-oriented social work
- Current challenges in counseling
- Social pedagogical research internship
Summer semester 2023
- Social networks and social support. Analysis and intervention
- Intersectionality and social pedagogy
Winter semester 2022-2023
- Social work in the welfare state - social equality, social security, social justice?
- Social pedagogical research internship
Summer semester 2022
- Future topics in counseling
- Resource orientation and empowerment
Winter semester 2021-2022
- Classism and social work
Winter semester 2019-2020
- Practical seminar (PBS)/ Professional practice seminar (BPS)
- Self-empowerment and coping in migration - Teaching-research seminar
Summer semester 2019
- Power, diversity and ethics in counseling
- Case and field analysis
- Lecture series: Social pedagogy in film
Winter semester 2018-2019
Network diagnostics and network intervention - discovering and strengthening social resources
Practical seminar (PBS)/ Professional practice seminar (BPS)
Counseling between "old school" and "new style" - current developments and trends
Basic welfare state models - self-help and professional care (in international comparison)
since 10/2022 " How does victim support work? Impact study on victim support counseling", TU Dresden (Dr. Annett Kupfer); ASH Berlin (Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner); Opferhilfe Sachsen e.V. (Andreas Edhofer, Christiane Weyer)
since 10/2017 Evaluation of the International Guest House (IGH), in cooperation with the Studentenwerk Dresden
since 09/2016 Member of the Center for Integration Studies at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
since 01/2016 Member of the Scientific Network (DFG) "Social Networks and Health Inequalities - SoNegU" (responsible applicant: PD Dr. Andreas Klärner)
since 01/2015 Evaluation of the international housing concept "Here you don't just experience Germany - here you experience the whole world!" for Erasmus and other program students at the Department of Housing of Studentenwerk Dresden (project management)
12/2015 Collaboration on the 15th Children and Youth Report of the Federal Government (honorary position at the German Youth Institute e.V.); processing the state of research on the topics of migration and immigration: life constellations of young people with a migration background including youth cultures in the migration society
2010 - 2014 Evaluation of the housing concept "WOMIKO - Living with fellow students", in cooperation with the Studentenwerk Dresden
2010 - 2014 Sub-project management in the DFG project "The importance of social factors on the emergence, course and effect of socio-pedagogical and psychosocial counseling" (Head: Prof. Dr. Frank Nestmann)