Committees and student representation
The Senate is the highest decision-making body of the University. It prepares drafts for the Ministry of Education, clarifies budgetary matters for the entire university, decides (usually on the basis of input from other bodies) on the establishment or modification of courses of study and approves the appointment of professors.
Enlarged Senate
The Extended Senate was composed of the voting members of the Senate and is responsible for deciding on the basic rules and for electing and diselecting the Rector.
Faculty Council (FakRat)
In the Faculty Council, higher-level decisions of the faculty, such as e. g. The budget, changes to study regulations or other topics of general concern discussed, decided and coordinated.
- Tammo Schmitt
- Philine Michl
- Alexandra Steinberg
Student Council (StuRa)
The StuRa is the joint representation of the interests of all TU Dresden students. He can take care of just about all student issues and should be one of the first contacts in case of student problems. Members of the StuRa are usually (but not necessarily) members of the individual student councils. In addition, it offers various types of services (e. g. Bafög consulting).
- Maximilian Trotte
- Alternates: Marlene Teige
Study Commissions of the Faculty of Philosophy
The Large Study Commission advises on study regulations, the teaching report and general matters relating to the study programme. She works for the Faculty Council and makes recommendations to it for decisions.
Hannes Recknagel
Johannes Gebauer
- Magdalene Petrasch
Evangelische Theologie
Eric Feddersen
Katholische Theologie
Hannes Recknagel
Kunst- und Musikwissenschaft
Raila Röhricht
Audit Committee
The Examination Committee is responsible for all matters relating to the legal side of examinations. It monitors compliance with the examination regulations and advises on disputes concerning grading or admission to examinations.
Lea Sophie Müller
Tammo Schmitt
Vertretung: Oliver Puruckherr
Raila Röhricht
Nelly Saibel
Vertretung: Katharina Groß
Esther Neukirch
Vertretung: nicht entsandt
Eric Feddersen
Vertretung: -
Justin Tredup
Programme coordination (Stugako)
Within the framework of Quality Management for Studies and Teaching, a lecturer and a student are appointed for each degree programme, who together are responsible for the quality assurance and development of the degree programme as programme coordinators. They act as contact persons for questions and problems on the improvement of the course of study, are significantly involved in the evaluation of the course of study and at the same time are advisory members of the study committees.
Philosophie Bachelor
Philine Michl
Philosophie Master
- David Alexander Seeliger
Philosophie/ Ethik (Lehramt)
- Catharina Hammel
Kommunikationswissenschaft Bachelor
Maximilian Trotte
Kommunikationswissenschaft Master
Rebekka Havenstein
Geschichte Bachelor
Marnick Borchmann
Geschichte Master
- Marnick Borchmann
Geschichte (Lehramt)
- Nick Geyer
Musikwissenschaft Bachelor
- Philine Michl
Musikwissenschaft Master
- Alina Päßler
Kunstgeschichte Bachelor
Raila Röhricht
Kunstgeschichte Master
- -
Master Antike Kulturen
- Martina Meiselbach
Evangelische Theologie
Annabell Hellwig
Evangelische Theologie (Lehramt)
- Henriette Bauer
Katholische Theologie
Julia Borlinghaus
Katholische Tehologie (Lehramt)
- Julia Borlinghaus
Kunst (Lehramt)
- Marlene Teige
Councils of Institutes (IR)
The institute councils of the different institutes have roughly the same duties as the faculty council, only at the institute level. Problems such as upcoming course catalogues or collaborations with other institutes, e. g. in the context of exchange programmes.
Institutsrat Kommunikationswissenschaft
Rebekka Havenstein
Alina Päßler
Institutsrat Geschichte
Johannes Gebauer
nicht entsandt
Institutsrat Philosophie
Alexandra Steinberg
Philine Michl
Institutsrat Evangelische Theologie
Lena Creutz
nicht entsandt
Institutsrat Katholische Theologie
Julia Borlinghaus
Institutsrat Kunstgeschichte
Raila Röhricht
Institutsrat Musikwissenschaft
- Alina Päßler
Committees of Study Commissions (ASK)
The tasks of the ASKs lie in the organisation and structure of the study programme. She works for the study committees of the Faculty of Philosophy.
ASK Kommunikationswissenschaft
Alina Päßler
Rebekka Havenstein
- nicht entsandt
- nicht entsandt
ASK Geschichte
Martina Meiselbach
Raila Röhricht
- Johannes Gebauer
- Marnick Borchmann
ASK Philosophie
Tammo Schmitt
Magdalene Petrasch
- Philine Michl
- Alexandra Steinberg
ASK Evangelische Theologie
Lena Creutz
nicht entsandt
ASK Katholische Theologie
Hannes Recknagel
ASK Kunstgeschichte
nicht entsandt
nicht entsandt
ASK Musikwissenschaft
- nicht entsandt
- nicht entsandt
ASK Kunstpädagogik
nicht entsandt