Colloquium on university and college history
In the winter semester 2024/25, the colloquium on college and university history started for the first time: fortnightly every Wednesday, 7th DS (18:30-20:00), HSZ/101.
Winter semester 2024/25
06.11.2024 | Dr. Lutz Kreller (Institute for Contemporary History Munich/Berlin) | Lawyers in the wrong. The Nazi burden on Otto Palandt (1877-1951) and Heinrich Schönfelder (1902-1944) |
13.11.2024 | Prof. i. R. Dr. Manfred Heinemann (Leibniz University Hannover) | The Saxon Higher Education Commission: Its involvement in the reorganization of the Saxon higher education system (1991-1993) |
27.11.2024 | Grit Bakemeier (TU Dresden, Department of Forest Sciences) | The Tharandt Forestry Library during the Nazi era (workshop session) |
11.12.2024 | Dr. Martin Göllnitz (Philipps University Marburg) | The hour of the functionaries. Options for action by student Nazi leaders using the example of a "borderland university" (1927-1945) |
15.01.2025 | Jutta Wiese, M.A. (Dresden Main State Archives) | National Socialist four-year planning and dictated research funding - four-year plan institutes at the TH Dresden and the Bergakademie Freiberg |
29.01.2025 | Prof. Dr. Mark Walker (Union College, Schenectady, New York) | Compromises with Hitler: Werner Heisenberg, Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker and National Socialism |
05.02.2025 | Rebekka Roschy, M.A. (Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden) | The Information Processing Section of TU Dresden and the beginnings of AI research in the GDR - a workshop report |