Technical College of Dresden under National Socialism
Technical College of Dresden under National Socialism:
Transformations of Knowledge and Science in the 20th Century
The project examines the history of Technische Hochschule Dresden (Technical College of Dresden, TH Dresden) against the backdrop of political changes and interventions in academic life during the 20th century. Emphasis will be placed on the development of knowledge and resources for technology and research. The application and politicization of knowledge and science will be analyzed, particularly regarding the political and social transformations instigated by National Socialism, including its preconditions and consequences. Empirically, the focus is on knowledge practices and their interactions with the power relations and practices of authoritarian rule in politics, the economy, society, and culture.
The objective is to analyze how TH Dresden became intertwined with politics and society during the National Socialist dictatorship and to understand how research practices and the way they were taught, as well as how socio-professional networks at the school changed or were maintained across ruptures in the political and social system. To identify such ruptures, continuities, and particular or repeated acts of adaptation and achievement, and even instances of resistance, the project will examine knowledge practices in their interactions with political disruptions and system upheavals.
- News from the field of science communication and culture of remembrance
- Scholarship holders of the research training group and further members of the research group
- Working areas of the research project
- Executive board of the research project
- Detailed concept paper (in English)
- Scholarship regulations of the Research Training Group (only available in German)
- Rules of procedure of the research project (only available in German)
Contact us
Research Project and Research Training Group: Technical College of Dresden under National Socialism
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Visiting address:
Falkenbrunnen (FAL) Chemnitzer Str. 48b
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institut für Geschichte, Geschäftsstelle des Forschungsprojekts „Die TH Dresden im Nationalsozialismus“
01062 Dresden