In addition to imparting knowledge through teaching, the second core task of the university is to increase knowledge through research.

Research at the Institute of History
Empirical findings should not be gained by chance, but in a targeted manner through projects and collaborations, with the results being documented in publications. The aim of a historical project is to answer a precisely defined question with the help of theoretical assumptions within a reasonable period of time by studying sources. In scientific alliances, several researchers from different disciplines join forces to work together on larger contexts by means of coordinated individual projects. Research is particularly dependent on funding from non-university third-party sponsors such as foundations, where the individual research projects are in competition with each other. For example, Dresden's humanities and social sciences, with the significant participation of history, succeeded in obtaining funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the Collaborative Research Centers (SFB) Institutionality and Historicity, Transcendence and Common Sense and Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of Disparagement.
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of its founding, TU Dresden is researching its history during the National Socialist era. The research project and research training group Die TH Dresden im Nationalsozialismus is under the overall organizational responsibility of the Vice-Rector University Culture and the Institute of History.