Knowledge transfer
We contribute to both discussions on important socio-political issues in historical research and teaching and to interdisciplinary academic networks, as well as in the form of knowledge transfer to the public. In order to convey knowledge and promote education and awareness at different levels of science and society, we use a variety of cooperations and formats.
Within TU Dresden, the GenderConceptGroup, an interdisciplinary network of scholars at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, is the most important cooperation partner. The participating researchers focus on the mechanisms of the social creation of gender differences and hierarchies at different times and in different cultures. Their aim is to raise critical awareness of gender equality issues by imparting knowledge, and to contribute to the much needed change in attitudes towards gender equality in the 21st century. They collaborate in the organisation of academic conferences and workshops, including the regular Dresden young researchers' colloquium on gender studies, in the planning of research activities, and in the publication of the book series 'Dresdner Beiträge zur Geschlechterforschung in Geschichte, Kultur und Literatur' (Dresden Contributions to Gender Studies in History, Culture and Literature).
The practical transfer of knowledge to the non-academic public takes place on the one hand through joint practical seminars in cooperation with archives (such as the Dresden and Leipzig city archives, the Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden and the Frauenstadtarchiv Dresden), museums (such as Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Stadtmuseum Dresden and Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig), educational institutions (e.g. HATiKVA – Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur Sachsen e. V.), and associations (e.g. FrauenBildungsHaus Dresden e. V.). The research results developed in the seminars contribute to the preparation of exhibitions, public events, publications, apps, and other multimedia formats. (Teaching for research and pratice)
Furthermore, the Chair of Social and Economic History is participating in additional forms and projects of knowledge transfer, such as:
- collaboration in various projects of the Louise-Otto-Peters-Gesellschaft e. V.
- in the regional group East of the AKHFG
- as cooperation partner of TU Dresden at the project 'We are reformers' Frauenmahle zur Lutherdekade of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsens
- in the foundation committee of the Stiftung des Archivs der Deutschen Frauenbewegung in Kassel
- in the advisory board Frauenorte in Sachsen, a project of Landesfrauenrat Sachsen e.V. (LFR)
- in the scientific advisory boards of historical exhibitions, currently in the scientific advisory board for the 4. Sächsische Landesausstellung 2020 'Boom. 500 Jahre Industriekultur in Sachsen'
- as co-organiser of the UGK (Unternehmsgeschichtliches Kolloquiums - Colloquium on Corporate History) in cooperation with Sächsisches Wirtschaftsarchiv Leipzig e. V.
- in the preparation and publication of the new Leipzig city history
on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the first mentioning of the city in 2015 - in this context, the Chair holder was co-organiser, contributor, and moderator of the academic conferences on the annual days of the city history, which were aimed not only at a specialist audience, but also at laypersons interested in the history of the city
- participation in the project '100 years of women's suffrage in Germany. On the history of the political participation of women in Saxony, organisation of practical seminars, a film series, a travelling exhibition, and an academic conference in cooperation with the equal opportunities commissioner of the state capital Dresden, the Frauenstadtarchiv e. V., other Dresden women's initiatives, as well as the Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.