Chair of Religious Education (Catholic)
As practical theological discipline, the science of Religious Education is responsible for the reflection of teaching- and learning-processes in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The science of Religious Education deals with theory and practice of learning processes in religious faith, from faith and about faith in various fields of action. For students thus first links between studying at university and their later work as theologians will evolve. The science of Religious Education provides and promotes practical theological competences, which are relevant not only for teachers of Religious Education in schools and for pastoral workers in Christian parishes, but also for professionals in adult education as well as in political communities, in the media and in politics.
Scientific work in the circle of Theory and Practice which focusses on Religious Education is a mutually critical process: Based on the experience and observation of practice, desiderata are analysed and theoretical conceptions are confirmed or criticised, in order to improve the future practice of Religious Education. Religious Education is thus understood as a science of practice as well as a science for practice and not just as "packaging department" of theology. When doing research on processes of teaching and learning religion, the science of Religious Education introduces on the one hand its own categories, criteria and methods to scientific reflection and on the other hand exchange processes with other theological disciplines as well as the social sciences are necessary.
Researching and Teaching Religious Education in the City of Dresden obliges to observe the specific experiences of children, young people and adults, living in the east of Germany nowadays, and to find out their approaches to religious questions. If successful, theologians in religious education, adult education and other professional fields will be able to contribute to services of cultural and educational diaconia.