Main research
The main research topics of the Chair are public international law, the law of the United Nations, international humanitarian law and the international protection of human rights. The UNESCO Chair in International Relations is dedicated to the international protection of cultural property, cultural heritage and cultural diversity as well as the nexus of peace and cultural heritage/diversity.

UNESCO Chair in International Relations
The UNESCO Chair’s central concern is the research on the implementation of the UNESCO conventions and other normative instruments, particularly in the fields of cultural heritage and the diversity of cultural expressions. Furthermore, the link between cultural heritage/diversity and peace („nexus to peace“) is a major research subject (cf. Article 2, Agreement concerning the Establishment of a UNESCO Chair in International Relations, at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, 25 March 2009).
The core of our research is to understand the international legal protection of cultural heritage as a cross-cutting issue, especially in the United Nations. Link to fields of research
Our primary objective is to contribute towards raising awareness and access to the worldwide treasure of cultural heritage and cultural diversity for the wider public. In this respect, it is crucial to make the best use of resulting opportunities and to foster networks among affiliated stakeholders in society, academics and practitioners in order to provide platforms for exchanging ideas in an interdisciplinary way.