Current research projects
Franco-German workshop. In July 2023, an intensive exchange between German and French social scientists took place in Dresden, focusing on the analysis of films.
Courting the sexes. Staging, hierarchization and sexualization of bodies in advertising: This project, which was conceived as a cooperation between the Chair of Micro-Sociology, the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction at TU Dresden and the Office of the Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the City of Dresden, aims to analyze gender dichotomies and hierarchies in media discourses and images. To this end, around 90 advertising posters were documented and evaluated as part of a two-semester master's research seminar in Dresden's urban space. The results of this project can be found here. Another research seminar on the staging of 'family happiness' in online advertising images is planned for winter semester 2023/2024.
- The "Saxon Graduate Study" is intended to record the career entry and first professional experiences of graduates from all universities and universities of applied sciences in the Division of the Saxon Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK). In order to be able to map the career entry process in particular, the focus will be on graduates who have been in employment or on the labor market for one to three years. The study is funded by the SMWK.
- In 2000, the First DresdenChildren Study was presented in close cooperation with the state capital of Dresden and child protection associations. This representative children's study was repeated in 2005 and 2010 - five years apart in each case. From the children's point of view, this study aims to provide answers to questions that are of central importance for child-friendliness in our city. How do children live in Dresden? How do children view leisure activities and infrastructure? How satisfied are children with their lives in Dresden?