The Bachelor's degree programme Sociology
Please note: Since winter semester 2023/24, the new combined degree course in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences has replaced the previous Bachelor's degree courses at the Faculty of Arts , Humanities and Social Sciences. Because this changes the rotation of courses in some areas, you should check the courses on offer more carefully and, if necessary, speak to the academic advisor if you deviate from the recommended course of study. Sociology can be studied as a first or second major in this degree program; it is also possible to deepen the first major in Sociology in the second major in Social Sciences, which corresponds to the scope of the previous B.A. Sociology.
Information on the B.A. Sociology for all students enrolled until SoSe 2023 can be found here
- Themenfelder der Soziologie: If you would like to repeat the lecture "Themenfelder der Soziologie", please attend the lecture "Einführung in die Soziologie" in winter semester 24/25. We will offer written and oral examinations for those who wish to repeat this examination.
- Microsociology: Please note that the lecture "Einführung in die Mikrosoziologie" and associated examinations will be offered for the last time in winter semester 2024/25. After that, they will not take place again regularly until summer semester 2026. Please also note that the lecture "Soziologie der Geschlechter" will probably be offered for the last time in summer semester 2025.
- Sociological theories (modules GM2 and AM2): The lectures previously offered will shift by one semester; i.e. the lecture "Die Entdeckung der Gesellschaft" (GM2) will now always be offered in the summer semester, the lecture "Theorien der Gesellschaft und des Sozialen" (AM2) always in the winter semester. In WS 23/24 and SoSe 24, both lectures were offered as a transitional solution and a range of proseminars were offered for the GM2 module.
- Methods of empirical social research (modules GM3, GM4 and AM1): The content previously offered can now be found in the modules M-S1, M-S2, M-MESE and MQN. Please use OPAL to find out which courses are offered in the respective semester.