Research Projects
Table of contents
Ongoing research projects of the Chair
Since 2024 "Erfolgsfaktoren lokaler E-Partizipation" |
The research project "Erfolgsfaktoren lokaler E-Partizipation" represents the first nationwide survey and analysis of digital participation processes at the municipal level. In the course of this study, various models of digital engagement are systematically examined to determine their application possibilities, challenges, and key factors for success. |
since 2024 (SMJusDEG - contract research) |
Evaluation of the projects funded by the
Participation projects funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality under the Citizen Participation funding guideline |
since 2023 (Horizon Europe) |
REDEMOS: The project deals with the promotion of democracy in the countries of the Eastern Neighborhood. The aim is to develop a new concept for democratic cooperation between the EU and the Eastern European partnership countries. |
since 2022 (TUDiSC) |
DiDis - Digital disruption and disinformation: challenges to institutional legitimacy and trustworthiness: The DiDis project examines the impact of the spread of disinformation on political institutions and their legitimacy in order to expand knowledge about the disruption of the digital public sphere and its impact on the institutional dimension of democracy. |
since 2022 (Scads.AI) |
Digital Participation in Local Communities & AI: |
since 2021 |
SAFE-19 - Solidarity in the Covid-19 pandemic :
The interdisciplinary research network with colleagues from the GESIS Institute for Social Sciences in Cologne is investigating the role that solidarity plays in the context of the COVID-19 crisis for the attitudes and behaviors of German citizens. |
since 2018 (State of Lower Saxony) |
SOLDISK - Solidarity discourses in the migration crisis: The interdisciplinary research network funded by the state of Lower Saxony is investigating how solidarity has been reflected discursively during the migration crisis in Germany. The Micro sub-project, headed by Professor Kneuer, uses computer-based data analysis methods to examine discourses by citizens - offline and online - to determine the extent to which solidarity or desolidarization phenomena arise, how solidarity is understood and what motives are found for solidary (or non-solidary) behaviour |
Completed research projects
2018 - 2024 (2021- 2024 Robert Bosch Foundation, |
Crisis-Dialogue-Future: Development and evaluation of municipal citizen dialogues in political crisis situations, training of moderators for municipal conflict moderation |
2022 - 2023 (DPZ, Bertelsmann Foundation) |
Mir reicht's Bürger: qualitative interviews and studies on the Monday demonstrations in Chemnitz and Gera in winter 2022/23 (scientific support and management of field research: Erik Vollmann) |
2021 - 2022 (EFRE / SAB) |
CouReg - Mít kuráž a utvářet náš region / Having courage and shaping our region:
Czech - German model project on the promotion of democracy and civil courage |
2017 - 2019 (Multimedia Fund TUD) |
MOOC PolSys: Massive Open Online Courses on basic lectures in political science systems analysis |
2014 - 2019 (without funding) |
The PEGIDA/AfD complex: Studies on the rise of right-wing populism and the transformation of political culture |
2012 - 2019 (Boysen Foundation, DFG) |
Social and political effects of the energy transition as part of the Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group on Sustainable Energy Systems |
2009 - 2013 (DFG) |
"Transcendence and public spirit as resources for the construction of political order" (as part of the SFB 804 "Transcendence and Public Spirit") |
1997 - 2008 (DFG) |
"The Instrumental and Symbolic Functions of Representational Institutions" (in the framework of the SFB 537 "Institutionality and Historicity") |
2000 - 2003 (DVPW, BMBF) |
PoliticsOn |
2000 - 2003 (DFG) |
Everyday life in parliament |
1999 - 2001 (DFG) |
Saxony's local elected representatives |
1997 - 2000 (DFG) |
Constituency work and social networking of German parliamentarians |
1994 - 1996 (DFG) |
Parliamentary Perception in Germany |
1994 - 1996 (DFG) |
German Parliamentary Study |
1993 - 1994 (KSPW) |
Parties and associations in Saxony |
1992 - 1994 (Thyssen Foundation) |
Founding parliamentarism in the new federal states |
Ongoing Dissertations
- Janek Treiber: Die Logik des Ausschließens - eine vergleichende Analyse devianter Parteimitglieder und ihrer Parteien
- Erik Vollmann: Subnational Governance Reforms and Discursive Impression Management. Evidence from Morocco and Tunisia
- Sophie Noack: Government information under digital conditions: actors, perceptions and implications for trustworthiness
- Giulia Bahms: Digital Participation and AI in Smart Cities
- Johannes Donix: Digitale Beteiligung in der Kommune: Gelingensbedingungen, Legitimitätsquellen und Handlungsstrategien
- Bastian Stock: Partizipation von Frauen: Kontextfaktoren, Allokation und Aktivierung von Beteiligung in lokalen Kontexten
Completed Dissertations
- Xingwei Bai: Parteien und ihre Evolution im Licht des Evolutorischen Institutionalismus. Theorietest am Fallbeispiel der SPD und KPCh
- Cathleen Bochmann: Staatszerfall in evolutionärer Perspektive
- Christian Demuth: Der Bundestag als lernende Institution. Eine evolutionstheoretische Analyse der Lern- und Anpassungsprozesse des Bundestages, insbesondere an die Europäische Integration
- Sarah Forberger: Die Umsetzung eines europäischen Aktionsplans. Compliance im Spannungsfeld nationalstaatlicher Interessen und europäischer Ansprüche
- Erik Fritzsche: Innerfraktionelle Geschlossenheit im internationalen Vergleich. Empirische und normative Befunde zur Abstimmungsgeschlossenheit im präsidentiellen und parlamentarischen Regierungssystem
- Sebastian Heer: Herausbildungs- und Funktionsmuster parlamentarischer Steuerungsstrukturen im deutschen Parlamentarismus
- Katharina Kern: Die Ressourcen politischer Ordnungskonstruktion in Ostdeutschland
- Jakob Lempp: Die Evolution des Rats der Europäischen Union. Institutionenevolution zwischen Intergouvernementalismus und Supranationalismus
- Christoph Meißelbach: Die Evolution der Kohäsion. Anthropologische Grundlagen der Sozialtheorie
- Nick Pruditsch: Langfristigkeit und Institutionalisierung energiepolitischer Steuerung
- Sabine Seggelke: Die Kommunikationsstrategien der französischen Staatspräsidenten. Eine vergleichende Studie zur politischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der V. Republik
- Martin Thein: Wettlauf mit dem Zeitgeist - der Neonazismus im Wandel. Eine Feldstudie
- Sebastian Thuß: Parteien und die Durchsetzung nachhaltiger Energiesysteme