PD Dr. Kolja Möller (Postdoc)

NamePD Dr. Kolja Möller
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von-Gerber-Bau, Raum 302 Bergstraße 53
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Website: www.koljamoeller.com/
Constitution and constitutionalism
Political theory and social theory
- Populism studies
- International political sociology
09/2021 Habilitation at the Institute of Social Sciences, European University of Flensburg (title of habilitation thesis: Volkssouveränität und Gesellschaft)
Since 10/2020 Postdoc at the Institute of Political Science, TU Dresden
06/2017-09/2020 Postdoc in the project 'Transnational Force of Law' at the University of Bremen.
08/2018 Research stay at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and Flinders University, Adelaide.
10/2017-3/2018 Deputy Head of Chair of Legal and Constitutional Studies with interdisciplinary Relations at TU Dresden.
Since 06/2017 Post-Doc (Research Associate) in the project "Transnational Force of Law" (funded by the European Research Council) at the University of Bremen.
06/2013-05/2017 Post-Doc (Research Associate) at the Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders", Goethe University Frankfurt, Head of the research project: "Affect and Constitution"
2/2014 PhD at the University of Flensburg with the thesis "Formwandel der Verfassung. Die postdemokratische Verfasstheit des Transnationalen", grade: summa cum laude, reviewers: Prof. Hauke Brunkhorst, Prof. Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Prof. Peter Niesen.
11/2013 Research stay at the University of Brasilia, Brazil.
10/2012 - 9/2013 Associate member of the DFG Research Training Group "Constitution beyond the State", Humboldt University Berlin.
4/2010 - 05/2013 Doctoral scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation.
03/2009 - 05/2013 Research Associate at the Center for European Legal Policy (ZERP) and at the Collaborative Research Center "Statehood in Transition", University of Bremen, Project A2 "The Judicialization of International Dispute Settlement".
12/2008 Degree in Political Science (NF: Law, Philosophy), overall grade: very good, thesis: "Globale Gouvernementalität - Zur Anatomie politischer Rationalitäten in der Weltgesellschaft", supervisors: Dr. Martin Saar, Prof. Gunther Teubner.
10/2007 - 03/2008 Student Assistant at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas, Department of Social Sciences, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt.
11/2004 - 12/2008 Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation.
09/2004 - 12/2008 Studied political science, philosophy and legal theory at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
Popular uprising and catcalls. On the history of populism, Berlin 2020.
Reviews: FAZ 09.05.2020, RBB Kultur 01.04.2020, Der Freitag 21/2020, NZZ 31.05.2020, Soziopolis 24.06.2020, Sächsische Zeitung 11.08.2020, Welt-Bestenliste 06/2020, Neues Deutschland 13.10.2020, Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 04/2020
Changing forms of the constitution. The post-democratic constitution of the transnational, Bielefeld 2015.
Reviews: Kritische Justiz 1/2016, Portal für Politikwissenschaft: www.pw-portal.de 26.5.2016, Neue Politische Literatur 2/2016, Zeitschrift für außerschulische Bildung 4/2016, Studies in Social and Political Thought 1/2016, Revista Direito & Praxis 1/2017, Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur 3/2017
The struggle for global social rights. Zart wäre das Gröbste (together with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), Berlin 2012 (also published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 2013, Portuguese translation: O delicado seria o mais grosseiro. Luta pelos Direitos Sociais Globais, Lumen Iuris/Sao Paolo 2017).
Reviews: TAZ 23.06.2012, Frankfurter Rundschau 20.03.2012, Deutschlandradio Kultur 19.07.2012, Momentum Quarterly 1/4 2012, Süddeutsche Zeitung 04.12.2012, Recht und Politik 4/2014
Collected volumes
Populism, Berlin/Suhrkamp 2022.
Transnationalisation of Social Rights (co-ed. with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), Cambridge/Portland 2016.
Reviews: European Journal of Social Security 3/2017
Systems Theory and Social Critique. Perspectives on Critical Systems Theory (co-ed. with Jasmin Siri), Bielefeld 2016.
Reviews: Archive for Social History 57/2017, Yearbook Extremism and Democracy 2/2017
Issue focus "Critical Theory and Systems Theory" in the journal "Soziale Systeme" (2/2017, with Jasmin Siri)
Articles and book contributions
Populism and the Political System, in: Philosophy&Social Criticism 2022, online first.
The Constitution as Social Compromise, in: Michael Wilkinson/Marco Goldoni (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Material Constitutionalism, Cambridge University Press, t.a.
Niklas Luhmann and Critical Systems Theory (with Jasmin Siri), in: Rogowski, A Companion to Niklas Luhmann, t.a.
Critical Theory and Systems Theory (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Celikates/ Jaeggi/Saar, Handbuch Kritische Theorie, Stuttgart, t.a.
Populism as an object of research in political and social science, in: Kolja Möller (ed.), Populismus, Berlin/Suhrkamp, 7-25.
Constitutionalizing Counter-Power?, Review of 'Systemic corruption: constitutional ideas for an anti-oligarchic republic' by Camila Vergara, in: Jurisprudence - An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought, online first, 1-6.
Transnational Populism in Context: The UN, the EU and beyond, in: Blokker, Transnational Contestation and Civic Populism, Palgrave/Cham, 271-301.
Fundamental rights as status protection or as a form of movement?, in: Kritische Justiz 2/2020, 276-278.
Populism and the constitution. Authoritarian populism as a challenge for liberal democracy, in: Zeitschrift für Politik 4/2019, 430-444.
The plebeians rehearse the uprising. Paradoxes of popular politics, in: Mayer/Schäfer, Populism - Enlightenment - Democracy, Baden-Baden 2019, 67-89.
From Constituent to Destituent Power beyond the State, in: Transnational Legal Theory 1/2018, 1-23.
(Portuguese translation: Um conflito da Constituição com ela mesma? Poder destituinte e o desafio transnacional, in: Revista Direito e Práxis, 9 4/2018, 2541-2574).
Populism, Democracy and Popular Sovereignty, in: Philosophical Inquiry 1-2/2018, 14-36.
A post-heroic populism? On the relationship between populism and reflexivity, in: Gegenrechte: Recht jenseits des Subjekts, Mohr-Siebeck 2018, 277-299.
Threat and procedure. On the proceduralization of democratic decision-making in the shadow of power, in: Sheplyakova, Prozeduralisierung des Rechts, Berlin/Mohr-Siebeck, 245-264.
From the crisis of popular sovereignty to transnational destituent power, in: Das Argument. Journal for Philosophy and Social Sciences 328, 502-515.
The Red Polybius: Otto Bauer's Theory of the Democratic Republic, in: Studies in Social and Political Thought 2017, 76-104 (German version in slightly modified version: Der rote Polybios. Form and Conflict in Otto Bauer's Theory of the Democratic Republic, in: Fisahn/Scholle/Ciftci, Marxismus als Sozialwissenschaft. Understandings of law and the state in Austromarxism, Baden-Baden, 229-247
(Spanish translation: El Polibio Rojo: La teoría de la república democrática de Otto Bauer, in: Revista Heterodoxia, 2021).
Invocatio populi. Democratic and authoritarian populism, in: Jörke/Nachtwey, Das Volk gegen die (liberale) Demokratie? Die Krise der Repräsentation und neue populistische Herausforderungen, Leviathan - Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Sonderband 2017, 246-267.
Constituting as destituent power. On the Dissolution of Boundaries and Transnationalization in the Doctrine of the pouvoir constituant, in: Kortendiek/Martinez Mateo, Border and Democracy - Practices of Closure and Transgression, Frankfurt/New York 2017, 200-225.
Revolutionary reform?-In Search of a European Constitutional Policy, in: Demirovic/Candeias, Demokratie in der EU, Berlin 2017, 251-265.
Constituent and Destituent Power beyond the State, in: Transnational Legal Theory, ed.
Threat and Procedure. On the Proceduralization of Democratic Will Formation, in: Tatjana Sheplyakova (ed.), Prozeduralisierung des Rechts, Berlin/Mohr-Siebeck 2017, op. cit.
Structural violence and functional differentiation, in: Soziale Systeme. Journal for Sociological Theory 2/2016, 257-279.
Introduction to the focus of the issue (with Jasmin Siri), in: Soziale Systeme 2/2016, 223-226.
A Critical Theory of Transnational Regimes. Creeping Managerialism and the Quest for a Destituent Power, in: Blome/Fischer-Lescano/Franzki/Markard/Oeter, Contested Collisions. Interdisciplinary Inquiries into Norm Fragmentation in World Society, Cambridge University Press 2016, 255-280.
(Portuguese translation: Uma Teoria Crítica dos Regimes Transnacionais: Gerencialismo Submisso e a Busca por um Poder Destituinte, in: Lucas Fucci Amato/Marco Antonio Loschiavo Leme de Barros, Teoria Crítica dos Sistemas? Crítica, Teoria social e Direito, Porto Alegre 2018, 361-394).
The Whole of Constituent Power. On the political sociology of constituent power, in: Siri/Möller, Systemtheorie und Gesellschaftskritik. Perspectives on Critical Systems Theory, Bielefeld 2016, 39-56.
How to observe? What to do? Perspektiven der Kritischen Systemtheorie (together with Jasmin Siri), in: Jasmin Siri/Kolja Möller (eds.): Systemtheorie und Gesellschaftskritik. Perspectives on Critical Systems Theory, Bielefeld 2016, 7-18.
The Struggle for Transnational Social Rights (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Fischer-Lescano/Möller, Transnationalization of Social Rights, Cambridge 2016, 11-47 (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano and revised version of "Der Kampf um globale soziale Rechte").
Introduction (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Andreas Fischer-Lescano/Kolja Möller (eds.): Transnationalization of Social Rights, Cambridge 2016, 1-7.
Ruling and governing. On the double structure of constituent power, in: Prien, Der Staat im Empire. On the Understanding of the State in Post-Operaism, Baden-Baden 2016, 93-114.
Changing forms of constitutionalism. On the relationship between post-democracy and constitution-building beyond the state, in: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 3/2015, 270-289 (reprint: Eberl/Salomon, Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie, Wiesbaden 2016).
Man, institution, revolution. On the Politics of Human Rights (with Francesca Raimondi), in: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 4/2015, 38-46.
From the Ventotene Manifesto to Postdemocratic Constitutionalism. A Reconstructive Approach to Europe's Social Dimension, in: Brunkhorst/Gaitanides/Grözinger, Europe at a Crossroad. From Currency Union to Political and Economic Governance?, Baden-Baden 2015, 228-246.
Rechtskritik und Systemtheorie, in: Scherr, Systemtheorie und Differenzierungstheorie als Kritik. Perspectives following Niklas Luhmann, Beltz-Juventa, 186-210.
(Portuguese translation: Crítica do Direito e Teoria dos Sistemas, in: Tempo Social, revista sociologica da USP 27/2, 129-152).
Postdemocracy as a constitutional problem. On the significance of global social rights, in: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 1/2014, 45-53.
The European Social Union, in: Liebert/Wolff, Interdisziplinäre Europastudien, Wiesbaden 2014, 291-307.
Rechtspolitik für ein soziales und demokratisches Europa (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Buckel, Solidarisches Europa, Hamburg 2013, 158-164.
Subaltern constitutionalization. Zur Verfassung von Evolution und Revolution in der Weltgesellschaft, in: Amstutz/Fischer-Lescano, Kritische Systemtheorie - Zur Evolution einer normativen Theorie, Bielefeld 2013, 173-191.
The logic of a capitalist world? Die Transformation der Sicherheitsarchitektur in der Perspektive der kritischen internationalen politischen Ökonomie, in: Andreas Fischer-Lescano/Peter Mayer (eds.): Die Transformation von Recht und Politik globaler Sicherheit. Development Trends and Interpretations, Frankfurt am Main 2013, 245-274.
Vom marktliberalen zum sozialen Europa (together with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Das Argument - Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften 1/2 2013, 228-239.
Soziale Rechtspolitik in Europa (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), International Policy Analysis, Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung 2012.
Die Verfassung als Hybrid, in: Fischer-Lescano/Perels/Scholle, Der Staat der Klassengesellschaft. Rechts- und Sozialstaatlichkeit bei Wolfgang Abendroth, Baden Baden 2012, 257-272.
The global social question (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 7/2012, 45-54.
Is Michel Foucault a Polanyian? Michel Foucault's Analysis of Governmentality and the Social Embeddedness of Market Societies, in: Christian Joerges/Tommi Ralli (eds.), After Globalization - New Patterns of Conflict, Oslo 2011, 371-393.
Struggles for Law: Global Social Rights as an Alternative to Financial Market Capitalism, in: Alberto Febbrajo/Poul F. Kjaer/Gunther Teubner (eds.), The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective: The Dark Side of Functional Differentiation, Oxford 2011, 305-332.
Global social rights. Struggles for Law in Post-Neoliberalism, in: Juridikum. Journal for Critique - Law - Society, 4/2010, 484-499.
European Governmentality or Decentralized Network Governance? The Case of the European Employment Strategy, RECON Online Working Paper 2010/08.
After the Lisbon Ruling: Where is Social Democracy?, in: Andreas Fischer-Lescano/Christian Joerges/Arndt Wonka (eds.): The German Constitutional Court's Lisbon Ruling: Legal and Political Science Perspectives, ZERP-Diskussionspapier 1/2010, 83-91.
European Fundamental Rights and the Constitutionalization of Social Democracy in Europe (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Fischer-Lescano/Rödl/Schmid, Europäische Gesellschaftsverfassung. On the Constitutionalization of Social Order in Europe, Baden-Baden 2009, 353-371.
The European Employment Strategy: Governmental Truth Regime or Decentralized Network Governance?, in: Leviathan. Berlin Journal of Social Science 4/2009, 575-601.
Progressive constitutionalism or market-liberal rule of law? On the indeterminacy of the global constitution, in: Kritische Justiz 3/2009, 239-252.
Global Assemblages in the New Constitutionalism - Legal-Theoretical Problems of the Neo-Gramscian International Political Economy (IPE), in: Ancilla Iuris (www.anchi.ch) 2008, 44-56.
"A Defense of Dialectics" - Anastasia Marinopoulou (2017), Critical Theory and Epistemology: The Politics of Modern Thought and Science, in: Politeia 1/2019, 117-119.
Turkuler Iksiksel (2016), Europe's Functional Constitution, in: Constellations. A Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 4/2017, 652-654.
Philipp Pettit (2017), Just Freedom. A Moral Compass for a Just World, in: New Political Literature 2/2016, 356-358.
Daniel Loick (2012), Kritik der Souveränität, Frankfurt, in: Kritische Justiz 2/2013, 222-224.
Oliver Eberl (2008), Demokratie und Frieden - Kants Friedensschrift in den Kontroversen der Gegenwart, Baden-Baden, in: Kritische Justiz 3/2011, 360-362.
Michael Buckmiller/Joachim Perels/Uli Schöler (eds.) (2008), Wolfgang Abendroth. Gesammelte Schriften Band 2. 1949-1955, in: Kritische Justiz 3/2010, 365-367.
Tobias Ten Brink (2008), Geopolitik - Geschichte und Gegenwart kapitalistischer Staatenkonkurrenz, Münster, in: Welttrends. Journal for International Politics, No. 72, 124-126.