Laura Handl
Curriculum Vitae
seit 2022 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik mit Schwerpunkt Diversity Studies im Projekt "Der Aufschwung des Manifests in gegenwärtigen US-amerikanischen Debatten zu Diversität" | TU Dresden, gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) |
seit 2023 | Doktorandin, Projekt: "Narrating Anger in Contemporary Queer-Feminist Manifestos" (WT) | TU Dresden |
2020-22 | Master of Arts in Amerikanistik | TU Dresden |
2017-20 | Consultant & Planner | Mediaplus GmBH, München |
2016-17 | Trainee Consulting & Planning | Mediaplus GmBH, München |
2012-16 | Bachelor of Science in Medienkommunikation | Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg |
Publikationen und Präsentationen
Handl, Laura. “’Embracing the Low Road? Hating men in Manifestos.” Panel “’Affect and 21st-Century Feminist Manifestos.” MLA 2025, New Orleans, 11 January 2025.
Handl, Laura and Carsten Junker. “Gaga Manifestos.” Activist Writing: History, Politics, Rhetoric, edited by Pierre-Héli Monot, David Bebnowski, and Sakina Shakil Gröppmaier, intercomverlag, 2024, pp. 173–184.
Handl, Laura. “Contemporary Manifestos and the Feminist Intimate Public Sphere.” Panel “Female Activism in and through Text.” 34th Annual Conference of the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA): (Re-)Shaping the Public
Sphere: Cultural Productions as/and Interventions, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen, 21 November 2024.
Handl, Laura. “’Manifesto of Palimpsestism; or, The Manifesto is Undead, Long Live its Palimpsest”.” Panel “’Contractions.” The Forms of Academic Work: Practices, Taxonomies, Perspectives, International Workshop, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 10 October 2024.
Handl, Laura. “’Be the red worm in the dirt. Be the honeysuckle on the vine’: Queer Southern Place-making in A Dirty South Manifesto (2020)." AmLit - American Literatures, vol. 4, no. 2, Oct 2024, pp.,
Handl, Laura. “’Go ahead, be a monster. You deserve it.’ The Sardonically Angry Voice of Why I am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto (2017).” Panel “’Sensing’ Affect: Voice and Tone in US Literature.” DGfA/GAAS Annual Meeting 2024: American Soundscapes, Universität Oldenburg, 25 May 2024.
Handl, Laura. “Politics of Anger and Trauma Disclosure in Michelle Bowdler’s Is Rape a Crime? A Memoir, an Investigation and a Manifesto (2020)”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, Aug. 2024, pp. 46-64, doi:10.5283/copas.387.
Handl, Laura. “’Go ahead, be a monster. You deserve it.’ The Sardonically Angry Voice of Why I am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto (2017).” Panel “’Sensing’ Affect: Voice and Tone in US Literature.” DGfA/GAAS Annual Meeting 2024: American Soundscapes, Universität Oldenburg, 25 May 2024.
Junker, Carsten & Laura Handl. “Solidifying Solidarities—Formalizing Self-Reflexivity and Self-Positioning in the Genre of Meta-Manifesto.“’ Panel “Collaboration, Solidarity and Animal Agency as Affordances of SelfReflexivity.“ Recentring Form(s) in and of the Margins: The Politics of Self-Reflexivity, VUB Brussels, 26 April 2024.
Handl, Laura. “Affecting from the Margins: Politics of Trauma Disclosure in Queer Manifesto Memoirs.” Panel “Queering Affect: Exploring Emotional Landscapes in Queer Studies.” 33rd Annual Conference of the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA): Spaces of Affect in the Americas, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, 11 November 2023.
Handl, Laura. “Anger without Catharsis: Femme Monsters and Politics of Emotion.” Panel “Feminist SFF in Transformation” in the Category “Feminist & Queer Futures.” Disruptive Imaginations. Joint Annual Conference of the Science Fiction Research Association & Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung, TU Dresden, 18 August 2023.
Handl, Laura. “Interview with the Vampire (2022-): Reframing the Queer Vampire,” Panel VI. DeMarg 5: Tracing Forms of De/Marginalization. International conference of the European Research Network on Discourses of Marginality and Demarginalizations, TU Dresden, 23 June 2023,
Junker, Carsten and Laura Handl. “ Project Presentation: The Upsurge of the Manifesto in Contemporary Debates on Diversity in the United States,” Panel “Research Window: Insights into Current DeMarg-relevant Projects.” DeMarg 5: Tracing Forms of De/Marginalization. International conference of the European Research Network on Discourses of Marginality and Demarginalizations, TU Dresden, 24. June 2023,
- (Queer/Feministische) Manifeste
- kulturelle Politik des Zorns
- Queer Studies and Gender Studies im populären Diskurs
- Popkultur und Marginalizierung