Conference manifestoNOW! July 2024
As part of the DFG-funded Manifesto project (DFG-PNr. 501505288), the international conference manifestoNOW! Purposes and Effects of an Escalating Form in the US and Beyond took place. The conference provided a stage and a forum for exchange on the polarizing genre of the manifesto with researchers from Germany, Canada, India, Israel, the Netherlands, Poland and the USA. The event contributed to a transnational research approach through the interweaving of interdisciplinary positions of renowned experts and the use of interactive formats. The Archive of the Avant-Garde Egidio Marzona of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) opened its doors as an event venue in the new Blockhaus with the possible participation of the Dresden public (see
This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State governments.