RPTE-SPÜ (module 2)
The module Reflected Practice of Teaching English - Schulpraktische Übung (RPTE-SPÜ) comprises the application and reflection of a fundamental spectrum of theories of English didactics, interlinked with findings from related disciplines, in the practice of teaching English at the respective type of school studied. One focus is on the group-specific promotion of functional and intercultural communicative competence, text and media competence as well as language learning competence and language awareness in English lessons at the type of school studied. This includes opportunities for individual support in heterogeneous learning groups, requirements for self-directed learning, analysis and evaluation of the target- and addressee-oriented use of digital and analog media as well as requirements for bilingual teaching and learning, taking into account political education and education for sustainable development.
Upon completion of the module, students have the competence to plan, implement, analyze and reflect on a competence-oriented teaching sequence in the subject of English at grammar schools in cooperation with each other under guidance, while at the same time taking individual responsibility for individual lessons. They can communicate and discuss the corresponding plans, analyses and reflections in a scientifically and didactically appropriate form in order to deepen individual aspects of their subject-specific didactic theoretical knowledge on this basis.
General information, in particular on the forms of teaching and learning, the awarding of credit points and grades as well as the duration, frequency and workload of the module can be found in the respective valid study regulations.
Specific information, e.g. on assignments and examination requirements, will be provided at the beginning of each course associated with the module.
Participation requires 2 steps:
Step 1: Reservation
Step 2: Booking (only possible after prior reservation)
Prerequisites: All students who are taking part in the RPTE-Survey and RPTE-Lessons courses in the current semester or who have already taken part can reserve an SPÜ place. Only students who have previously reserved an SPÜ place in due time can book an SPÜ place. Reservation and booking are possible regardless of the result of previous partial examinations.
Study planning: The RPTE-SPÜ course should preferably be taken after the RPTE-Lessons course.
Criteria for allocating places: Our aim is to offer a place in RPTE-SPÜ to as many students as possible in their desired semester. As the number of places per semester is limited, some students may not receive a place until a semester later. In order to participate in the allocation procedure, it is essential that you make your reservation first. To avoid delays in your studies, please make sure that you reserve and book in good time.
Location: https://praktikumsportalsachsen.uni-leipzig.de/
Reservation period: see section 'Dates' on the homepage
Location: https://praktikumsportalsachsen.uni-leipzig.de/
Booking period: see section 'Dates' on the homepage
If you have any questions about the SPÜ, please contact Dr. Schmidt or Ms. Günther directly.