Anja H. Lind, M.A.

Research Associate / PhD Candidate
NameAnja H. Lind M.A.
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since 2023 | PhD candidate at TU Dresden, Chair of North American Literature with a focus on Critical Future Studies, working title: “Solar(punk): Resistance & the Future of Power” |
2022 | M.A. in Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg |
2016 | B.A. in Icelandic with Norwegian, University College London |
- Energy & Environmental Humanities
- Anarchism
- Feminist Philosophy
- Solarpunk
- Sf
- Critical Future Studies
- Science and Technology Studies
- Queer Theory
articles | |
forthc. | Lind, Anja H. “Unfolding the Architecture of the Imago-Machine: Spatializing Sexual Difference through Arkady Martine's Teixcalaan Duology.” In Practicing and Placing Imaginaries: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Conceptual Ideas, and Case Studies, edited by Ulla Stackmann and Gustavo Adolfo Gutierrez Hernandez. Bielefeld: transcript. |
2024 |
Lind, Anja H. 2024. “(De)Constructing the Vulva: Locating the Labia in Trans ‘Vaginoplasty.’” Feminist Studies 50 (1): 11–39. |
reviews | |
forthc. |
Review of Mark Bould & Steven Shaviro's (2024) This Is Not A Science Fiction Textbook for Utopian Studies |
2024 | Review of Robin Sloan's (2024) Moonbound: The Last Book of the Anth for SFRA Review vol. 54, no. 4. |
translations | |
2022 | Forouhar, Parastou and Cathrine Bublatzky. 2022. “Alterity in Europe—Occupying Spaces as Feminist Strategy in (Post)Migration Aesthetics: A Conversation.” Translated by Anja H. Lind. In Expanding the Parameters of Feminist Activism, edited by G. Hannum and K. Pyun. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Guest Lectures
- Language & the Surgeon's Knife: De/Constructing the Vulva, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Symposium on Queer Linguistics, 29.11.24
- Thinking Queer Diaspora, Imagining Trans Diaspora, University of Heidelberg (MA seminar on Visual Cultures and Gender in (Post)migration Studies), 22.06.21
Conference Papers
- Irigaray & Anarchism, 14th Meeting of the Irigaray Circle "Touching the World," University of Iceland, 06–09.06.24
- Solarity & the Sea, Petrocultures 2024: Los Angeles, University of Southern California, 15–18.05.24
- Irigaray & sf: Spatialising Sexual Difference in the Teixcalaan Duology, Practices of Imagination – Placings of Imaginaries, Katholische Universität Eichstätt–Ingolstadt, 08–10.02.24
- Death & Solarity, SFRA and GFF joint conference “Disruptive Imaginations,” TU Dresden, 15–19.08.23
- A Slow City for a Slow Fiction? Reading Slowness into Fictional Solar Futures, Un/Building the Future: The Country and The City in the Anthropocene, The University of Warwick, 14–16.06.23
- Towards a Vulval Architecture: Reading Lucy Hillebrand’s Corpus through Luce Irigaray’s Two Lips, 12th Meeting of the Irigaray Circle “Irigaray in Practice,” Georgia College & State University, 18–20.05.23
- Countering Petroculture: Visions of Post-Scarcity in Solarpunk Fiction, Construction and Contestation: Counterculturality from Transcultural Perspectives (graduate student conference), University of Heidelberg, 23.02.23
- Non-Binary Homecomings: Renegotiating Transitional Narratives and Mobilities, LGBTQ Research Symposium, The University of Kansas, 03–04.06.21
- Homonationalism in Norway: Impossibilising the Queer Muslim Subject, Considering Gender and Sexual Minorities from a Transcultural Perspective (graduate student conference), University of Heidelberg, 25.02.20
- Queer Lovers and Diasporic Others: Homonationalism and Queer Muslim Sub-Diasporas in Norway, Diaspora in Eurasia (graduate student conference), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 26–27.01.20
- Public symposium Humanities Perspectives on Energy Transition: Justice, Geographies, Literacies, Imaginaries, TU Dresden, 13.11.24. Co-lead.
- stsing inaugural conference Leakage, TU Dresden, 19–22.03.24. Steering Committee.
- Joint Science Fiction Research Association and Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung conference Disruptive Imaginations, TU Dresden, 15–19.08.23. Assisted.
- Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health inaugural conference Converging Crises: Transgender Health, Rights, and Activism in 2021, University of Toronto, 30.07.21–01.08.21. Steering Committee.
- CATS Gender & Sexualities Lecture Series, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, summer semester 2021. Lead organiser.
WiSe 2023–2024 | BA seminar “Energy and Politics in Speculative Fiction” (TU Dresden) |
SoSe 2023 |
MA seminar “Academic Writing in English” (University of Heidelberg) |
WiSe 2020–2021 |
MA tutorium “Introduction to Transcultural Studies” (University of Heidelberg) |
SoSe 2019 & 2020 | MA seminar “Academic English,” (University of Mainz; Assistant Lecturer) |