Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameSvenja Engelmann-Kewitz M.A.
"Disrupt!Research" (TUDiSC)
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Since 2024 Research Associate at TU Dresden, Project “Disrupt!Research” in the Excellence Measure TU DiSC
2021-2023 Research Assistant at TU Dresden, Project “Disrupt!Research” in the Excellence Measure TU DiSC
Since 2021 PhD Candidate at TU Dresden, Chair of North American Literature with a focus on Critical Future Studies, working title: “Between Melting and Meddling: Contemporary Ecocritical Imaginaries of the Circumpolar North”
2021 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature/English and American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2019 Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature/English and American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
Environmental Humanities
Blue Humanities
Science and Technology Studies
Literature and Science
Critical Future Studies
Nature Writing
Speculative Fiction
New Materialisms
Articles and chapters:
in preparation:
“Landschaft als Dokument: Explorationen alternativer Speichermedien der Gegenwart“, DokumentWERDEN, ed. Vanessa Klomfass, Tilman Richter et al. Bielefeld: Transcript 2024, with Kirsten Jüdt
“Ice, Minds, Bodies: Fantastic Ecocriticism in Marie Darrieussecq’s White”, forthcoming 2024
“‘The Empire Writes Back’ – Salman Rushdies Midnight’s Children als ein Beispiel postkolonialer Literatur”, Literatur + Transfer. Tagungsband des 9. Studierendenkongresses der Komparatistik 2018, edited by Ariane Fiala, Erika Unterpertinger and Julia Pacal, Vienna: Danzig & Unfried 2020, pp. 59-82.
“Living With Plastic and Toxicity, Queerly”, Review of Heather Davis’s Plastic Matter for Edge Effects, 14.09.2023,
Other Media:
“Kryosphäre in der Krise”, KWI-Blog, 18.12.2023,, DOI:
“Produktive Störungen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation“, Wissenschaftskommunikation, 09.06.2023, by Solvejg Nitzke, Martina Pieperhoff, Kirsten Jüdt, Alina Praun and Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz,
“Looking With and Beyond the Words in Tanya Tagaq’s Split Tooth”, NiCHE (Network in Canadian History & Environment), Visual Cultures of the Circumpolar North series, ed. by Isabelle Gapp & Mark A. Cheetham, 16.02.2023,
“Eisige Einsamkeiten: Von Grenzerfahrungen und Environmental Humanities“, Forschung, Blog of the DLA Marbach, 05.12.2022,
“Melting Laboratories, or: Ecocritical Readings of Icy Landscapes”, Ecological Imaginaries, 10.02.2022,,
Literatur und das Böse. Beiträge zum Studierendenkongress Komparatistik 2019, edited by Lise Allirand, Alina Braucks, Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz, Rika Sakalak, Charleena Schweda, Thomas Stöck. Berlin: Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag 2021.
Ecozon@ Special Issue 15.2 Autumn 2024: Disruptive Encounters. Concepts of Care and Contamination out of Control, with Solvejg Nitzke and Kirsten Jüdt.
“Whose Natures?” –Co-Creating Relationships between Humans and Nature through Arts and Sciences, Workshop as Part of the Exhibition Luondu Luonddus – As Part of Nature, We Are Nature at the Nordic Embassies Berlin, with Dr. Solvejg Nitzke and Kirsten Jüdt, 11.16.2022. Assisted.
“Literatur und das Böse” – 10th Student Conference for Comparative Literature, Ruhr-University Bochum, with Lise Allirand, Alina Braucks, Rika Sakalak, Charleena Schweda,Thomas Stöck, 06.13-15.2019. Steering Committee.
“Earth’s whispers released back into the Atmosphere can only wreak havoc”: Arctic Indigenous Cli-Fi, Indigenous Literatures”, Diversity Lab 3: Politics and Perspectives of Indigeneity, Workshop at TU Dresden, 07.06.2024.
“Cracking, Sighing, Whistling: The Sound of North America’s Icescapes”, Soundscapes, Annual Conference of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien, Oldenburg, 22.05.2024.
“Cold Care: Modes of Motherhood between Ice Loss and Future Uncertainty”, International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science BSLS, CoSciLit and SLSAeu, Birmingham, 10.04.2024. [online].
“The Lure of the Liminal: Glacier Deaths and Last Chance Tourism”, Seismic Shifts. Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Mountaineering, TU Dresden, 21.03.2024.
“Adaptive Reading Strategies for Climate Change”, invited speaker for ASLE UKI seminar series “Ice Ecocriticism”, 08.03.2024. [online]
“Cryosphere in Crisis: Communicating Melting Matter”, Popular Science in Crisis, Workshop at Junge Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, 26.10.2023.
“Weirding the Garden: Creative Co-Fabulations”, Disruptive Imaginations, Joint annual conference of SFRA and GfF, Dresden, 17.08.2023, with Johanna Mehl.
“Of Floating, Dwindling, and Caring for Loss: The Arctic as Commons”, Reclaiming the Commons, Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), Portland,07.07.2023.
“Eisige Einsamkeiten. Von Grenzerfahrungen und Environmental Humanities”, Reflections on (Literary) Solitude: Conference of the Early Career Researchers (Junge DSG) of the German Schiller Association (DSG), German Literature Archive (DLA) Marbach, 04.11.2022.
“‘Nous bien entendu, mais comment nous compter?’ Ecocriticism und Fantastik in Antarktisdiskursen“, Fantastische Geographien, 13th annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GfF), Technische Universität Dortmund, 22.09.2022.
“Landschaft als Dokument, Dokument als Landschaft. Explorationen alternativer Speichermedien der Gegenwart”, annual conference “DOKUMENTWERDEN” of the DFG-Research Training Group “Das Dokumentarische. Exzess und Entzug”, Kunstmuseum Bochum, 06.06.2022, with Kirsten Jüdt.
“‘Das sage ich nicht laut, das bleibt meiner inneren Stimme vorbehalten‘: Voice and Narration in Ilija Trojanow’s EisTau“. Voices: Stimmen, Rutgers University Graduate Students Conference in German Studies, 03.04.2022. [online]
“‘In meinen kosmopolitischen Träumereien […] heimlich ausgemalt’: Stefan Zweigs Memoiren Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers im Diskurs zwischen Erinnerung und Fiktion.”, 11th Student Conference for Comparative Literature (SKK), University of Bern, Switzerland, 06.03.2021. [online]
“’The Empire Writes Back’ – Salman Rushdies Midnight’s Children als ein Beispiel postkolonialer Literatur.”, 9th Student Conference for Comparative Literature (SKK), University of Vienna, 21.06.2018.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGFA)
Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE)