Entry Test for Bachelor and Lehramt
Entry Test (Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung) for Bachelor and State Exam/Lehramt
„Die Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung findet regulär mit physischer Präsenz an der TU Dresden statt. Die strikte Einhaltung eines Sicherheitskonzepts ist Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme. Entsprechende Details werden allen Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern per E-Mail mitgeteilt.“
Link für die Registrierung hier:
"The entry test will take place as usual at the TU Dresden. The requirement for participation is the strict following of a safety concept. All applicants will get e-mails with the appropiate details."
Application for English Studies and Entry Test in Wintersemester 25/26
General information
All students who wish to study English for
(1) Lehramt an Gymnasien und Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen
(2) Lehramt an Oberschulen
(3) Lehramt an Grundschulen
(4) Bachelor Anglistik/Amerikanistik
(5) Wirtschaftspädagogik (mit Englisch)
must pass our Entry Test (Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung). All candidates (for 1-5 above) take the same test.
Please note that no other test results (e.g. Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS) are accepted. Other types of exams have different aims and cannot be compared to our Entry Exam. Moreover, we wish to treat all candidates equally and fairly. According to our university regulations all candidates have to take our Entry Test (Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung).
Students intending to study English at the TU Dresden have to do the following :
(1) send their general study applications to the Immatrikulationsamt
(2) reserve an Entry Test date and take our Entry Test.
Students who pass our Entry Test receive a certificate (Nachweis der bestandenen Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung) - this certificate has to be handed in to the Matriculation Office, either with your university application papers or later (i.e. after you have sent the application papers).
If you want to be considered for entry in Winter semester 25/26, you should reserve an Entry Test place before 15th July 2025 (or, in special cases like illness or residence abroad, by 15th September 2025). Applications after these dates will not be accepted.
Entry Test organisation and reservations
The test takes a maximum of 80 minutes. The tests take place in Seminargebäude 1, room 209 (computer lab) on the second floor. The following dates and times (subject to change) have been organised and applicants will be offered a test time within the following testing periods:
Link für die Registrierung hier:
B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik/Lehramt (Room SE1-209)
Dates Times Supervisor
Monday, 24.03.2025 09:20 -12:40 SE + MC
Friday, 09.05.2025 13:00 - 18:10 ML
Monday, 26.05.2025 13:00 - 18:10 MC
Friday, 20.06.2025 13:00 - 18:10 ML
Monday, 23.06.2025 13:00 - 18:10 MC
Thursday, 03.07.2025 09:20 -12:40 AS
Monday, 21.07.2025 09:20 -12:40 SE
Friday, 05.09.2025 09:20 – 12:40 AS
Monday, 22.09.2025 09:20 - 12:40 SE
Master Entry Test (meet in room WS, 3.02)
Dates Times Supervisors
Thursday, 26.06.2025 11:00 SE/MC
Monday, 08.09.2025 13:00 ML/AS
1. The Entry Test may only be taken once a year.
2. Please do not call the Matriculation office (Immatrikulationsamt), the International Office (Auslandsamt) or the Advisory Service (Studienberatung) about this test – they cannot help you with this.
3. If you have a problem, please contact:
What is the expected standard?
We expect an excellent command (i.e. near native-speaker standard) of English by the end of studies in our department. This can only realistically be achieved if entry to studies in English and American Studies can assume good competence in English already. The level of our entry test is oriented towards levels B2/C1 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”. For more information, see
Please note that in our Entry Test we lay great weight on a good command of English grammar and that good communication skills alone will not guarantee a pass in this test. Should you want to prepare for this test, we recommend:
“English Grammar In Use“ by Raymond Murphy (CUP)
New Headway English Course, Upper-Intermediate, Student’s book” by Soars (OUP)
New Headway English Course, Upper-Intermediate, Workbook” by Soars (OUP)
Some examples of our Entry Test are given in the link at the bottom of this page.
What does the Entry Test consist of?
The Entry Test consists of a computerised test of tenses, general grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation (80 minutes).
How are the results organised and interpreted?
After the computerised test, students receive a global result as a percentage. Minimum entry level is defined as scoring a minimum of 65% in our test. Students who score at least 65% will automatically be accepted for studies. A pass result is valid for the coming and the following academic years (i.e. 2024/2025 and 2025/2026).
Students who fail to attain the minimum result of 65% will not be accepted for studies of English. If students in this category wish to apply for a retest in the following year, we recommend they first take steps to improve their English, e.g. live in an English-speaking country, attend English courses (e.g. www.tudias.de).
At the end of the test all students receive a print-out with their results. Those who pass the test with at least 65% also receive a certificate (Nachweis der bestandenen Eignungsfeststellungsprüfung) as proof of passing, and this should be sent to the Immatrikulationsamt.
Link für die Registrierung hier:
Help and more information
You will find some additional information on our website: https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/slk/anglistik_amerikanistik
If you feel you need particular advice which you cannot find on our website, please contact:
- for general advice: Martin Eichhorn
- for advice on the Entry Test and language classes : Sandra Erdmann
Entry Test examples
Here are some test examples which will give you an idea of the level and type of questions you can expect.