Friederike Fischer
Research Associate
at the Chair of Applied Linguistics
Wiener Str. 48, Room 201
Phone: 463 38219
Office hours
By arrangement in presence or at
since 10/2023 | International Affairs Advisor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2022 - 2024 | Employee (as a parental leave replacement) in the Digital Teaching team at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences |
since 12/2021 | Mid-level representative on the Faculty Board and on the Examination Committee for the Bachelor's, Master's and teaching degree programs in the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies |
2021 | Deputy representative on the Council of the Institute of German Studies and Media Cultures |
since 05/2020 | Dissertation at the Chair of Applied Linguistics |
since 04/2020 | Research Associate at the Chair of Applied Linguistics |
2016 - 2020 | Master's degree in Linguistics (focus on Germanic languages) at Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Melbourne (Master's thesis on "Dialogic Shitstorms on Twitter: A Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis") |
2013 - 2016 | Bachelor's degree in English and French Philology at the Free University of Berlin |
Dissertation project
Linguistic solidarity practices in social media
Small, inconspicuous posts and messages can achieve an enormous reach on social networks within a very short time. Virality as an inherent characteristic of social media communication repeatedly leads to the formation of communities from the interaction that takes place there, which also attract attention outside of social media and thus help to shape social and political discourse.
The dissertation project aims to investigate linguistic practices that users use to show solidarity with one another in social networks. The focus is on the linguistic analysis of discourse patterns, the structure and progression of comment threads, as well as the semantic and pragmatic aspects of linguistic loyalty and solidarity practices. In a cross-network comparison, linguistic strategies of solidarization will be identified and examined both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Research interests
media linguistics
discourse linguistics
Summer semester 2020, summer semester 2022, winter semester 2023/24 |
Tweet, Like, Share, Repeat - Soziale Netzwerke im medienlinguistischen Vergleich |
winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2023 | halo i bims 1 seminar zu sprach1stelumgn |
summer semester 2021 | Genderlinguistik |
winter semester 2021/22, winter semester 2022/23, summer semester 2024 | Polarisieren - mobilisieren - solidarisieren. Soziale Bewegungen aus medienlinguistischer Perspektive |
7/2023 "This just shows how strong of community we are!" - Sprachliche Solidaritätspraktiken im Subreddit r/wallstreetbets (Invited speaker in the online lecture series LinguOSTik: Sprache und Gesellschaft - Perspektiven aus dem Zentrum Europas, University of Greifswald, European University Viadrina, University of Rostock, July 18th, 2023).
5/2023 Gendersensibler Sprachgebrauch (Invited speaker in the online seminar Queerness in der inklusiven Bildung: Schulische Unterstützung queerer Kinder und Jugendlicher, Justus Liebig University Giessen, May 30th, 2023).
4/2023 "God damn all this solidarity makes me horny": Linguistic practices of solidarity online (Invited speaker at the artist:innenworkshop for the annual exhibition IN_ORDNUNG, riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, April 21st, 2023).
11/2022 Ape. Together. Strong. Sprachliche Solidaritätspraktiken im Interaktionsraum r/wallstreetbets (ZeM Graduate Conference: un:reale Interaktionsräume. Formen sozialer Ordnung im Spektrum medienspezifischer Interaktion, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, November 4th-5th, 2022).
11/2021 Sprachliche Solidarisierungspraktiken in sozialen Medien (6th Innsbruck (Online) Winter School "Potenziale der Angewandten Linguistik" Positionierung in Interaktion, Diskurs und Forschungspraxis, University of Innsbruck, November 11th-13th, 2021).
10/2021 „Können Sie mich alle sehen und hören?“ Ein Erfahrungsbericht über synchrone und asynchrone Formate der digitalen Lehre (online training Germanistik Digital in the Erasmus+ project, Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania), Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia), Ventspils Augstskola (Latvia), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia) and Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí n. Labem (Czech Republic), October 15th, 2021).
6/2021 Sprachliche Loyalitäts- und Solidarisierungspraktiken in sozialen Medien (Invited speaker in the online module Sprachwissenschaft und Schule, University of Leipzig, June 16th, 2021).
6/2021 Sprachliche Loyalitäts- und Solidarisierungspraktiken in sozialen Medien (Online-Workshop Zugänge zu Dissens - eine Methodenwerkstatt, University of Bremen, June 11th-12th, 2021).
2/2021 Gegenrede in Debatten über Political Correctness: Korpuslinguistische und sequenzanalytische Zugänge (Online conference: Pragmatik der Gegenrede, University of Greifswald, February 25th-26th, 2021, with Jan Langenhorst and Simon Meier-Vieracker).
2/2021 Sprachliche Loyalitäts- und Solidarisierungspraktiken in sozialen Medien (Online workshop of the DGPuK section Mediensprache – Mediendiskurse as part of the online conference: Über-Setzen. Mediendiskurse zwischen Transfer und Transformation, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, February 24th-26th, 2021) (Awarded the Young Talent Prize of the section).
11/2020 #CoronaEltern: Geschichte eines Shitstorms im Spannungsfeld von Krise, Politik und Care-Arbeit (Online conference: Diskurs - Invektiv. 9. Jahrestagung des Tagungsnetzwerks 'Diskurs - interdisziplinär', TU Dresden, November 12th-13th, 2020, with Naomi Truan, University of Leipzig).