Inhaberin der Professur
NameMs Prof. Dr. Dorothee Wieser
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Lecture-free period winter semester 2023/24 OPAL
Office hours summer semester 2024 OPAL
1994 - 2000 |
Studied German and Biology in Jena, Urbino and Göttingen |
2001 - 2003 |
Legal clerkship |
2003 - 2011 |
Research Associate in the didactics of German at the TU Berlin |
2007 |
Doctorate at the TU Berlin |
2011 - 2014 |
Visiting Professor at the HU Berlin (Deputy Head of Chair for Modern German Literature/Didactics of German) |
since April 2014 |
Chair of Contemporary German Literature and Didactics of German (TU Dresden) |
2012 |
German didactics award |
2012 |
Award for good teaching of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (together with Kristin Schulz) |
2019 |
Zabka, Thomas/Winkler, Iris/Wieser, Dorothee/Pieper, Irene (2022): Studienbuch Literaturunterricht: Unterrichtspraxis analysieren, reflektieren und gestalten. Hanover: Klett/Kallmeyer
Wieser, Dorothee (2008): Teaching literature from the teachers' perspective. A qualitative interview study. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Heins, Jochen/Kleinschmidt-Schinke, Katrin/Wieser, Dorothee/Wiesner, Esther (eds.) (2022): Practicing: Theoretical and empirical perspectives in German didactics. SLLD-B.
Spaniel, Matthias/Wieser, Dorothee (eds.) (2021): HALTUNG(en) - Perspektiven auf die Selbst-Positionierung der Theatervermittlung. Munich: kopaed.
Pospiech, Gesche/Niethammer, Manuela/Wieser, Dorothee/Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael (eds.) (2020): Encounters with reality - opportunities for interdisciplinary learning at extracurricular learning venues. Bern: hep-Verlag.
Feilke, Helmuth/Wieser, Dorothee (ed.) (2018): Kulturen des Deutschunterrichts - Kulturelles Lernen im Deutschunterricht. Stuttgart: Fillibach with Klett.
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Löhden, Maike/Meissner, Almuth/Wieser, Dorothee (eds.) (2015): Interpretationskulturen: Literaturdidaktik und Literaturwissenschaft im Dialog über Theorie und Praxis des Interpretierenens. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Contributions to literature and media didactics).
Bräuer, Christoph/ Wieser, Dorothee (ed.) (2015): Lehrende im Blick: empirische Lehrerforschung in der Deutschdidaktik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Lessing, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (eds.) (2013): Approaches to metaphors - transitions through metaphors. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (eds.) (2012): Subject knowledge and literary understanding. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Contributions to literature and media didactics).
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (2024): Potentials of the procedure approach for the didactic modeling of the interpretation of literary texts. In: Rezat, Sara/ Grundler, Elke/Feilke, Helmuth/Schmölzer-Eibinger, Sabine (eds.): Textprozeduren in Spannungsfeldern. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag (Stauffenburg Linguistics, 130), pp. 219-242.
Wieser, Dorothee (2024): The analysis of literary texts - teachers' convictions in a field of tension in literary didactics. In: SLLD-Z 4, pp. 1-23.
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (2023): Written interpretation: Using small writing tasks to linguistically support literary comprehension. In: German 5-10. 75, pp. 36-46.
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (2023): How should teaching models be designed? Considerations in the field of tension between usability and professionalization. In: von Heynitz, Martina/Steinmetz, Michael (eds.): Die Konstruktion stärken: Ein Handlungsfeld der Deutschdidaktik neu betrachtet. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 143-160.
Heins, Jochen/Kleinschmidt-Schinke, Katrin/Wieser, Dorothee/Wiesner, Esther (2022): Practicing - perspectives on German didactics. In: this. (ed.): Practicing: Theoretical and empirical perspectives in German didactics. SLLD-B. PP. 1-18.
Schröter, Pauline/Söldner, Hannelore/Hoffmann, Lars/Riemenschneider, Anja/Jost, Jörg/Wieser, Dorothee (2022): How comparable are the assessments of Abitur papers in German? Empirical studies on different assessment models. In: Hoffmann, Lars/Schröter, Pauline/Groß, Alexander/Schmid-Kühn, Svenja Mareike/Stanat, Petra (eds.): The incomparable Abitur: Developments - Challenges - Empirical Analyses. wbv Media. S. 213-250.
Karstens, Fabiana; Jost, Jörg; Wieser, Dorothee (2022): Students' actions and perspectives in the subject German (secondary levels). In: Hedda Bennewitz, Heike de Boer and Sven Thiersch (eds.): Handbuch der Forschung zu Schülerinnen und Schülern. Münster: utb. S. 350-357.
Wieser, Dorothee (2021): Cognitive-psychological models of text comprehension and the interpretation of literary texts - reflections on their usefulness in the context of thesis testing and generation. In: Descher, Stefan/Köppe, Tilman/Petraschka, Thomas (eds.): How do you teach interpretation skills? Contributions to the practice of teaching literary studies. PhiN. Philology on the Net. Supplement 27/2021. p. 35-45.
Wieser, Dorothee/Pieper, Irene/Lessing-Sattari, Marie (2021): What is and how does "adequate" literary understanding develop? Teachers' perspectives on learners' comprehension processes. In: Brenz, Lydia/Pflugmacher, Torsten (eds.): Normativity and literary understanding. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the teaching of literature. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. S. 155-173.
Spaniel, Matthias/Wieser, Dorothee (2021): Showing, seeking, having attitude ...? Facets of the concept of attitude from a theater pedagogical perspective. In: this. (ed.): HALTUNG(en) - Perspectives on the self-positioning of theater education. Munich: kopaed. S. 9-17.
Wieser, Dorothee (2020): Connecting questions, confusions and continuing perspectives - observations on the contributions to this volume. In: Schmidt, Frederike/Schindler, Kirsten (eds.): Knowledge and beliefs of German teachers. Current findings in German didactic professional research. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. S. 249-264.
Pieper, Irene; Wieser, Dorothee (2020): "Like a tiger in the rain ...". Text procedures in the context of interpreting poetic metaphor. In: Practice German (281). S. 50-58.
Wieser, Dorothee; Pieper, Irene (2020): Learner-side comprehension processes of literary metaphor and teacher-side modeling in the reciprocal horizon. In: Dawidowski, Christian/Hoffmann, Anna Rebecca/Stolle, Angelika Ruth/Witte, Jennifer (eds.): Schulische Literaturvermittlungsprozesse im Fokus empirischer Forschung. Berlin: Peter Lang (Contributions to literature and media didactics, 43), pp. 119-139.
Wieser, Dorothee (2020): The subject German in the context of interdisciplinary learning at extracurricular learning venues. In: Pospiech, Gesche/Niethammer, Manuela/Wieser, Dorothee/Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael: Begegnungen mit der Wirklichkeit - Chancen für fächerübergreifendes Lernen an außerschulischen Lernorten. Bern: hep-Verlag. S. 121-131.
Wieser, Dorothee (2020): Interdisciplinary teaching. In: Pospiech, Gesche/Niethammer, Manuela/Wieser, Dorothee/Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael (eds.): Encounters with reality - opportunities for interdisciplinary learning at extracurricular learning venues. Bern: hep-Verlag. S. 51-64.
Kuske-Janßen, Wiebke/Niethammer, Manuela/Pospiech, Gesche/Wieser, Dorothee/Wils, Josef-Tobias/Wilsdorf, Robert (2020): Extracurricular learning venues - theoretical foundations and state of research. In: Pospiech, Gesche/Niethammer, Manuela/Wieser, Dorothee/Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael (eds.): Encounters with reality - opportunities for interdisciplinary learning at extracurricular learning venues. Bern: hep-Verlag. S. 21-49.
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/ Wieser, Dorothee (2020): On the relationship between literary didactic educational demands and the inherent logic of literature lessons using the example of dealing with irritation and metaphor in schools. In: Freudenberg, Ricarda/ Lessing-Sattari, Marie (eds.): On the role of irritation and amazement in the context of (literary) aesthetic experience. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang (= Positionen der Deutschdidaktik). S. 221-239.
Bauer, Tobias/Wieser, Dorothee (2020). Dealing with norm and knowledge horizons in the context of reconstructive-casuistic work at the interface of subject didactics and general didactics: Perspectives from a joint seminar. In: The challenge of teacher education, 3 (2). pp. 45-59. 4119/hlz-2481
Wieser, Dorothee (2019): What should remain of the debates on educational standards. In: Announcements of the German Association of Germanists. 1/2019. S. 20-24.
Holzweißig, Corina/Wieser, Dorothee (2019): Writing about literary criticism. Examining and comparing reviews of Angie Thomas' young adult novel "The Hate U Give". In: Fördermagazin Sekundarstufe. 4/2019. S. 19-24.
Wieser, Dorothee (2019): Current status of empirical classroom research on literature teaching. In: Kämper-van den Boogaart, Michael/Spinner, Kaspar H. (eds.): Lese- und Literaturunterricht (2). 3rd, heavily revised edition. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. (= DTP 11, 2). S. 353-384.
Jost, Jörg/Krelle, Michael/Wieser, Dorothee (2018): Between all chairs? On the necessity of discussing the normative profile of Abitur tasks for material-based writing. In: Feilke, Helmuth/ Lehnen, Katrin/Rezat, Sara/Steinmetz, Michael (eds.): Materialgestütztes Schreiben - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und Perspektiven der Forschung. Fillibach by Klett. S. 41-63.
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (2018): Lehrkräfte. Systematization of current empirical studies, their subject areas and research approaches In: Boelmann, Jan (ed.): Empirische Forschung in der Deutschdidaktik. Vol. 3: Fields of research. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider. S. 41-55.
Feilke, Helmuth/Wieser, Dorothee (2018): Introduction: Cultures of German teaching - cultural learning in German lessons. In: this. (ed.): Cultures of the German classroom - Cultural learning in the German classroom. Stuttgart: Fillibach with Klett. S. 9-21
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (2018): Poetological convictions and literary understanding. In: leserä 4/2018. S. 108-124.
Wieser, Dorothee/Winkler, Iris (2017): What, how much, what for? On the role and relationship of subject-specific science and subject-specific didactics in teacher training. In: Announcements of the German Studies Association. S. 401-418.
Wieser, Dorothee (2017): PISA and teacher training? A literary-didactic review. In: 3/2017 [15 pages].
Jost, Jörg/Wieser, Dorothee (2017): Material-supported writing. A didactically necessary task format - too many open questions. In: Didaktik Deutsch 43/2017. p. 26-32.
Pieper, Irene/Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Strutz, Bianca/Wieser, Dorothee (2017): Approaches to the knowledge of literature teachers - conceptual and methodological considerations using the example of the LiMet study. In: Dawidowski, Christian/Stolle, Angelika (eds.): Teacher and classroom research in literature didactics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. S. 101-120
Lessing-Sattari, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (2016): On the difficulty of being irritated. A literary didactic challenge. In: Literature in the classroom 2/2016. p. 127-142.
Wieser, Dorothee (2016): On the relationship between reconstruction, construction and questions of norms in German didactics. In: Bräuer, Christoph (ed.): Denkrahmen der Deutschdidaktik. The identity of the discipline under discussion. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang (= Positionen der Deutschdidaktik). S. 127-145.
Wieser, Dorothee (2016): Knowledge and literary learning - between tact and memory boxes. In: Möbius, Thomas/ Steinmetz, Michael (eds.): Knowledge and literary learning. S. 43-59.
Wieser, Dorothee (2016): Suitable for what? On the necessity of joint reflection on profession-related and domain-specific convictions and ideas among students and teachers. In: Didactics of German 41/2016. p. 17-20.
Wieser, Dorothee (2016): Literary comics in the roundelay of media narrative forms: Literary didactic meaningfulness and barbs - using the example of Kafka's Metamorphosis In: Pieper, Irene/ Stark, Tobias (eds.): Neue Formen des Poetischen: Didactic potentials of contemporary literature. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Contributions to literature and media didactics). S. 77-101.
Wieser, Dorothee (2015): "Der Mensch als Augentier": on the zoopoetics of Marcel Beyer. In: Scheuer, Hans-Jürgen/ Vedder, Ulrike (eds.): Tier im Text. Publications for the Journal of German Studies. S. 295-313.
Wieser, Dorothee (2015): Cultures of interpretation: reflections on the relationship between theoretical and practical problems. In: Lessing-Sattari et al. (eds.): Interpretationskulturen: Literaturdidaktik und Literaturwissenschaft im Dialog über Theorie und Praxis des Interpretierens. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Beiträge zur Literatur- und Mediendidaktik). S. 39-60.
Wieser, Dorothee (2015): Theory(?)-practice constellations in teacher research and teacher training: Questions for current German didactic teacher research. In: Bräuer, Christoph/ Wieser, Dorothee (eds.): Lehrende im Blick. Empirical teacher research in German didactics. Wiesbaden: VS. S. 17-34.
Frederking, Volker/ Wieser, Dorothee (2015): Engaging with texts and media. In: Becker-Mrotzek, Michael et al. (eds.): Bildungsstandards aktuell: Deutsch in der Sekundarstufe II. Brunswick: Schroedel. S. 176-235.
Wieser, Dorothee (2014): What do you need to know? A state report on the compulsory nature of the central Abitur: Saxony and Berlin/Brandenburg. In: Didactics of German. 37/2014. pp. 67-69 and 83-85.
Wieser, Dorothee (2013): What makes a literary expert? Epistemological concepts of pupils. In: Gahn, Jessica/ Rieckmann, Carola (ed.): Understanding poetry. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag. S. 159-178.
Köster, Juliane/Wieser, Dorothee (2013): Plea for useless knowledge. In: Didaktik Deutsch. 34/2013. S. 5-11.
Lessing, Marie/Wieser, Dorothee (2013): Didactic approaches to metaphors: opportunities and challenges of an interdisciplinary perspective. In: this. (ed.): Approaches to metaphors - transitions through metaphors. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. S.101-116.
Lindow, Ina/Wieser, Dorothee (2013): Literature teaching as a case of philological practice: antinomies and attempts at solutions. In: Journal for German Studies. 2/2013. S. 390-404.
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (2012): Understanding metaphors in poetic texts: towards a determination of interpretative operations in secondary school students' engagement with imagery. In: L1. Educational Studies in Languages and Literature. 12/2012. S. 57-83.
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (2012): Metaphor comprehension in dealing with lyrical texts: On the determination of interpretation operations in lower secondary school pupils. In: Pieper, Irene/ Wieser, Dorothee (ed.): Subject-specific knowledge and literary understanding. Studies on a controversial relationship. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Contributions to literature and media didactics), pp. 171-192.
Wieser, Dorothee (2012): The transmission of professional knowledge: practical professional knowledge and epistemological convictions. In: Pieper, Irene/ Wieser, Dorothee (ed.): Professional knowledge and literary understanding. Studies on an explosive relation. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang (= Contributions to literature and media didactics). S. 135-151.
Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (2011): Research overview: Empirical studies on the understanding of metaphors in literary texts. In: Didactics of German. 30/2011. S. 74-95.
Wieser, Dorothee (2010): Current status of empirical classroom research on teaching literature. In: Kämper-van den Boogaart, Michael/ Spinner, Kaspar H. (eds.): Lese- und Literaturunterricht (2). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. (= DTP 11, 2). S. 329-360.
Wieser, Dorothee (2010): Teacher research in literature didactics in the context of competence orientation. In: Rösch, Heidi (ed.): Literarische Bildung im kompetenzorientierten Deutschunterricht. Freiburg: Fillibach. S. 113-131.
Wieser, Dorothee (2005): Methodological considerations on the investigation of the orientations and ideas of German trainee teachers in the field of literature teaching. In: Stückrath, Jörn/ Strobel, Ricarda (eds.): Deutschunterricht empirisch. Contributions to the verifiability of learning progress in language, literature and media lessons. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. S. 301-317.
Rösch, Heidi/Wieser, Dorothee (2005): The competence debate as the focus of German didactics. In: Rösch, Heidi (ed.): Kompetenzen im Deutschunterricht. Contributions to literature, language and media didactics. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang. pp. 219-227 (= Contributions to literature and media didactics, vol. 9).
Professional competencies of prospective teachers (collective review). In: journal für lehrerInnenbildung 9/2009, Issue 3, pp.61-64.
Promoting reading. A challenge for the whole school. In: Pädagogik, 5/2009. p. 52-54.
Bönnighausen, Marion/ Rösch, Heidi (ed.): Intermedialität im Deutschunterricht. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2004. (Diskussionsforum Deutsch; 15) In: Beiträge Jugendliteratur und Medien, 1/ 2005. p. 58 f.