Inhaberin der Professur
NameMs Prof. Dr. Dorothee Wieser
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Lecture-free period winter semester 2023/24 OPAL
Office hours summer semester 2024 OPAL
1992 - 1998 | Studied German and History at the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University La Sapienza in Rome |
1999 - 2001 |
Traineeship |
2004 |
Doctorate in Modern German Literature at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
2003 - 2004 | Robert Bosch Stiftung lecturer at the University of Olsztyn, Poland |
2004 - 2006 | Teacher for German and History in Nördlingen |
since 2006 |
Research Associate, later Senior Academic Councillor for Didactics of German Language and Literature at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
2007 - 2014 |
Co-applicant in the DFG project "Literarästhetische Urteilskompetenz" in the priority program 1293 "Competence models for recording individual learning outcomes and assessing educational processes" |
2019 | Habilitation in the subject Didactics of German Language and Literature |
Summer semester 2020 |
Deputy Head of Chair for Didactics of the German Language at the University of Erfurt |
Since 2023 | Accompanying scientific research with Prof. Markus Pissarek and Prof. Gerhard Lauer for the MENTOR Campus project to promote online reading |
2022 |
Teaching Award of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science of FAU 2022 for special achievements in the further development of high-quality teaching at the faculty |
2019 |
Habilitation Prize of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
- Empirical basic and teaching research in literature didactics
- Test tasks and learning tasks in literature lessons
- Literary-aesthetic language reflection
- Reading promotion
Meier, Christel (2022): Competence facets of literary-aesthetic language reflection. Theoretical localization - empirical analyses - starting points for didactic support. (= Positions in German didactics. Theory and empiricism. Vol. 15. ed. by Iris Winkler and Christoph Bräuer). Berlin et al: Lang.
Meier, Christel Erika (2005): The motif of suicide in Gerhart Hauptmann's work.
(= LITERATURA. Scientific contributions to modernism and its history. Vol. 17). Würzburg: ERGON.
Albrecht, Christian/Brüggemann, Jörn/Kretschmann, Tabea/Krommer, Axel/Meier, Christel (eds.) (in print): Personal and functional education in the German classroom. (to be published by Metzler in 2024).
Emmersberger, Stefan/Meier Christel (eds.) (accepted): Literary and media-aesthetic learning. On the practical relevance of didactic research practices. (to be published by SLLD-B in 2024)
Magirius, Marco/Meier, Christel/Kubik, Silke/Führer, Carolin (eds.) (2023): Evaluative aesthetic reception as a basis for literary understanding and learning. Theory and empiricism. Munich: kopaed (KREAplus, vol. 28)
Frederking, Volker/Huneke, Hans Werner/Krommer, Axel/Meier, Christel (eds.) (2013): Taschenbuch des Deutschunterrichts. Vol. 2: Literature and media didactics. 2nd, newly revised and expanded edition. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.
Frederking, Volker/Huneke, Hans Werner/Krommer, Axel/Meier, Christel (eds.) (2010): Taschenbuch des Deutschunterrichts. Vol. 2: Literature and media didactics. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.
Meier, Christel/Emmersberger, Stefan (accepted; peer rev.): Practical relevance as a central political dimension of German didactics. In: Emmersberger, Stefan/Meier, Christel (eds.): Literar- und medienästhetisches Lernen. On the practical relevance of didactic research practices. (to be published by SLLD-B in 2024).
Meier, Christel (in print): Personal and functional education in literature lessons through action- and production-oriented and/or analytical learning tasks. Results and reflection of a quasi-experimental study from the project "Literarästhetische Urteilskompetenz". In: Albrecht, Christian/Brüggemann, Jörn/Kretschmann, Tabea/Krommer, Axel/Meier, Christel (eds.) (in print): Personal and functional education in the German classroom. (to be published by Metzler in 2024).
Meier, Christel (2024b): Grasping foregrounding as a competence facet of literary-aesthetic text comprehension competence. In: Rosebrock, Cornelia/ Carl, Mark-Oliver/Schulze, Tina/ Jörgens, Moritz (eds.): Foregrounding. Aesthetic reception from a didactic perspective. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 175-203.
Meier, Christel (2024a): Interim report from an "untidy construction site". Empirical findings on literary history lessons and epoch-related skills from the project "Literarästhetische Urteilskompetenz". In: ide 48, H. 1, pp. 37-47
Meier, Christel (2023b): Antonia Michaelis' "sousrealistic" read-aloud stories Chocolate by the Sea (2009) in the primary school classroom. In: Bernhardt, Sebastian/Kumschlies, Kirsten (ed.): Antonia Michaelis' works in the didactic focus of literature. Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 61-84.
Meier, Christel (2023a): Aesthetic evaluations in foregrounding. Quantitative and qualitative findings on the literary-aesthetic language perception of young people from the project "Literarästhetische Urteilskompetenz". In: Magirius, Marco/Meier, Christel/Kubik, Silke/Führer, Carolin (eds.): Evaluative aesthetic reception as a basis for literary understanding and learning. Theory and empiricism. Munich: kopaed (KREAplus, vol. 28), pp. 203-222.
Meier, Christel/Kubik, Silke (2023): Results of theoretical clarification, empirical foundation and instructional modeling. In: Magirius, Marco/Meier, Christel/Kubik, Silke/Führer, Carolin (eds.): Evaluative ästhetische Rezeption als Grundlage literarischen Verstehens und Lernens. Theory and empiricism. Munich: kopaed (KREAplus, vol. 28), pp. 431-451.
Meier, Christel (2021): Greta & Luise. Sabine Bohlmann's road novel Wie ich Fräulein Luise entführte und mit ihr eine geheime Reise unternahm. In: Bernhardt, Sebastian (ed.): Das Motiv des Ausreißens in der aktuellen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. (= Publication series "Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Themes - Aesthetics - Didactics". Edited by Jan Standke, Volume 1). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 141-167.
Schilcher, Anita/Meier, Christel (2021; peer rev.): Verwandtschaften, Wahlverwandtschaften und andere Beziehungskisten: German didactics as a transdisciplinary subject. In: Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics (LiLi) - special issue "Germanistische Wahlverwandtschaften". Edited by Marius Albers and Jörg Döring.
Meier, Christel (2020b): Literary-aesthetic language reflection. On the modeling and empirical examination of a neglected competence at the boundary of language and literature didactics. In: Peyer, Ann/Uhl, Benjamin (eds.): Sprachreflexion - Handlungsfelder und Erwerbskontexte. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 213-241.
Meier, Christel (2020a): "And why does everything rhyme with you?" - Do young people benefit from their leisure reading for a linguistically reflective approach to literature? In: Brüggemann, Jörn/Mesch, Birgit (eds.): Sprache als Herausforderung - Literatur als Ziel: Kinder- und jugendliterarische Texte und Medien als Ressource für sprachsensibles Lernen. Part 1. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 133-154.
Meier, Christel/Schilcher, Anita (2020): "Encountering the familiar language unfamiliar". Uwe Timm as a language educator. In: Hielscher, Martin/Marx, Friedhelm (eds.): Wunschort und Widerstand. On the work of Uwe Timm. Göttingen: Wallstein, pp. 301-320.
Meier, Christel (2019b): Typically German. Discovering special features of the German language in washing instructions. In: Practice German 278, pp. 42-49.
Meier, Christel (2019a): Literary learning through filming. An action- and production-oriented perspective on Gabriele Wohmann's classic short story "Die Klavierstunde". In: Praxis Deutsch 276, pp. 20-26.
Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten/Henschel, Sofie/Brüggemann, Jörn/Frederking, Volker/Rieder, Adelheid/Gerner, Volker/Stanat, Petra (2017; peer rev.): An extended model of literary literacy. In: Leutner, Detlev/Fleischer, Jens/Grünkorn, Juliane/Klieme, Eckhard (eds.): Competence Assessment in Education: Research, Models and Instruments. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp.55-74.
Henschel, Sofie/Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten (2016; peer rev.): Effects of two types of task instructions on literary text comprehension and motivational and affective factors. In: Learning and Instruction 44, pp. 11-21.
Meier, Christel (2014): Interdisciplinary teaching German/political education using the example of Cory Doctorow's young adult novel "Little Brother". In: Frederking, Volker/Huneke, Hans Werner/Krommer, Axel (eds.): Taschenbuch des Deutschunterrichts. Vol. 3. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 890-907.
Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten/Henschel, Sofie (2013): Assessing literary text comprehension. On factors of task difficulty in the construction of test items. In: Rieckmann, Carola/Gahn, Jessica (eds.): Understanding poetry - teaching literature. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 103-123.
Frederking, Volker/Gerner, Volker/Brüggemann, Jörn/Albrecht, Christian/Henschel, Sofie/Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten/Rieder, Adelheid (2013): Aesthetic communication and literary-aesthetic comprehension competence. In: Becker-Mrotzek, Michael/Schramm, Karen/Thürmann, Eike/Vollmer, Helmut (eds.): Language in the subject. Linguisticity and subject-related learning. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 131-147.
Roick, Thorsten/Frederking, Volker/Henschel, Sofie/Meier, Christel (2013): Literary text comprehension skills in pupils of different school types. In: Bertschi-Kaufmann, Andrea/Rosebrock, Cornelia (eds.): Understanding literacy: educationally, culturally, individually. Weinheim: Juventa, pp. 69-84.
Frederking, Volker/Henschel, Sofie/Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten/Stanat, Petra/Dickhäuser, Oliver (2012; peer rev.): Beyond Functional Aspects of Reading Literacy: Theoretical Structure and Empirical Validity of Literary Literacy. In: L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature 12, pp. 35-58.
Meier, Christel/Henschel, Sofie/Roick, Thorsten/Frederking, Volker (2012): Literary-aesthetic text comprehension competence and subject-specific knowledge. Possibilities and problems of domain-specific competence research. In: Pieper, Irene/Wieser, Dorothee (eds.): Subject-specific knowledge and literary understanding. Studies on a controversial relationship. Frankfurt am Main et al: Lang (= Beiträge zur Literatur- und Mediendidaktik vol. 22), pp. 237-258.
Frederking, Volker/Meier, Christel/Brüggemann, Jörn/Gerner, Volker/Friedrich, Markus (2011): Literarästhetische Verstehenskompetenz - theoretische Modellierung und empirische Erforschung. In: Journal of German Studies 21, No. 1, pp. 131-144.
Meier, Christel (2010b): Literary canon and/or aesthetic education. In: Frederking, Volker/Huneke, Hans Werner/Krommer, Axel/Meier, Christel (eds.): Taschenbuch des Deutschunterrichts. Vol. 2: Literature and media didactics. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 593-614.
Meier, Christel (2010a): Premiere in 1900: Gerhart Hauptmann's drama "Michael Kramer".
In: Deutschmagazin, No. 2, pp. 9-14.
Roick, Thorsten/Stanat, Petra/Dickhäuser, Oliver/Frederking, Volker/Meier, Christel/Steinhauer, Lydia (2010; peer rev.): Structural and critical validity of literary-aesthetic judgment competence. Project literary-aesthetic judgment competence. In: Klieme, Eckhard/Leutner, Detlev/Kenk, Martina (eds.): Competence modeling. Interim results of the DFG priority program and perspectives of the research approach. 56th supplement of the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Weinheim: Beltz, pp. 165-174.
Meier, Christel (2009): Effi's cinematic adulteries. Film adaptations of Fontane's "Effi Briest" in the literature classroom. In: Deutschmagazin, No. 3, pp. 57-63.
Frederking, Volker/Meier, Christel/Roick, Thorsten/Steinhauer, Lydia/Stanat, Petra/Dickhäuser, Oliver (2009): Grasping literary-aesthetic judgment competence. In: Bertschi-Kaufmann, Andrea/Rosebrock, Cornelia (eds.): Literacy. Educational task and field of research. Weinheim and Munich: Juventa, pp. 165-180.
Meier, Christel (2008): Eternal youth - role-playing and identity problems in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray". In: Der Deutschunterricht, No. 6, pp. 30-39.
Frederking, Volker/Meier, Christel/Stanat, Petra/Dickhäuser, Oliver (2008): A model of literary-aesthetic judgment competence. In: Didaktik Deutsch 25, pp. 11-31.
Meier, Christel (2006): One role model - two literary figures. On the Hauptmann brothers' prose based on a comparison of the Domini(c)k characters in Carl Hauptmann's "Mathilde" and Gerhart Hauptmann's "Der Narr in Christo Emanuel Quint". In: Carl and Gerhart Hauptmann Yearbook 1, pp. 27-47.
Meier, Christel: Paper on Tilman von Brand, Jörg Kilian, Anette Sosna, Thomas Riecke-Baulecke (eds.): Basiswissen Lehrerbildung: Teaching German. Hanover 2022 (German Studies 65/2024).
Meier, Christel: Paper on: Abraham, Ulf: Literarisches Schreiben. Didactic foundations for the classroom. Stuttgart: Reclam 2021 (German studies 64/2023).
Meier, Christel: Review of Agnes Jäger and Katharina Böhnert: Sprachgeschichte, Tübingen: Narr 2018, 115 p., 13 ill. (LinguS 3). In: Contributions to the History of German Language and Literature 142 (2020), no. 1, pp. 107-109 [doi:].
Meier, Christel: Review of Anita Schilcher, Heidrun Stöger, Markus Pissarek, Christine Sontag, Friederike Pronold-Günthner, Julia Steinbach: Burg Adlerstein. Reading training. Workbook. Braunschweig: Westermann 2016 and Friederike Pronold-Günthner, Vera Winkler-Theiß, Anita Schilcher, Markus Pissarek, Christine Sontag, Julia Steinbach, Heidrun Stöger, Johannes Wild, Ulrike Lichtinger: Burg Adlerstein. Teacher's book for reading training. Brunswick: Westermann 2014. in: German. Unterrichtspraxis für die Klassen 5-10. h. 4 (2019), p.39.