Jul 05, 2022
Enrolment in Language Courses starting WS 22/23 via OPAL, LSKOnline Retires
Enrolment in language courses at the LSK will take place via the learning platform OPAL from WS 2022/23. The course offering will be visible under this LINK from the beginning of October.
Background: Until now, all language courses at the LSK were managed via the decentralized platform LSKonline, from enrolment to assessment. LSKonline will be switched off on September 30, 2022.
Important: In your own interest, please download attendance certificates for all language courses attended so far by September 30, if you have not already done so (LSKonline >> Meine Scheine). The data will be archived in the best possible way, but the search will be considerably more time-consuming than before.