Multimedia Language Centre (MSZ)
The Multimedia Language Center at the TU Dresden is one of the centers of the Teaching Centre for Languages and Regional Studies (LSK). It is a self - learning center with the features of an on site media library for foreign languages and is aimed at all students and employees of the university as well as users of the SLUB.

- offers a wide range of opportunities for independent education in the foreign language area with a large media library on site
- ... and also quiet individual work stations as well as group work rooms with an eBoard, visualizer and document cameras
- creates learning and social events such as language cafés and cultural evenings regarding a particular country or a language
- arranges and accompanies tandem language learning partnerships
- supports the language education in the "Haus der Sprachen - SE1" through
- collegial support in the developement of digital teaching (e.g. hybrid or in blended learning)
- a large supply of PC-pools and resources to support digital teaching
- provision and maintenance of the e-learning platform e-sprachen (Moodle)