Table of contents
Examination Offices
The Joint Examination Office of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science and the Faculty SLK is the responsible body for the students in the Bachelor' s and Master's degree programmes of the Faculty. You may find it on the pages of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science. There you will find all information about examinations, final theses and the recognition of examined assessments.

Gemeinsames Akademisches Prüfungsamt der Philosophischen Fakultät und der Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
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BZW - Bürohaus Zellescher Weg 17 (Eingang A), Sockelgeschoss, Zi. 11 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Prüfungsamt der Philosophischen Fakultät und der Fakultät SLK
01062 Dresden
Centralised Examination Office Teacher Training
For students enrolled in the teacher training degree programmes, the responsible body is the Examination Office of the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB). All examinations in the teacher training degree programmes are administered by the ZLSB, even those examinations offered by the Faculty SLK.
All institutes of the Faculty expect their students to work in a correct and academic manner. This means that students engage with a topic critically and in detail, commit themselves to objectivity in their work and produce their papers independently without outside help. This independence must be assured in writing at the end of each paper by means of a declaration of authorship.
Academic writing includes accurate marking of quotations and paraphrases from other works. If this is not done, the paper in question is a plagiarism and thus an attempt to defraud, which results in de-registration. The Faculty's plagiarism guideline specifies what constitutes plagiarism and the procedure to be followed in a case of plagiarism.
The formal criteria for marking citations and paraphrases (citation style, etc.) vary depending on the institute and the Chair. Please inform yourself at the relevant institution before writing your thesis.
Registration for and recognition of examinations
Examination registration is usually done online via HISQIS in the given registration period. You will find all necessary information on the pages of the Joint Examination Office and the ZLSB.
AQua and supplementary area
There is no online registration for final theses, and for the examined assessments in the AQua area of the Bachelor's programme and in the supplementary area of the Master's programme of the Faculty. To register for examinations in the AQua area, please use the AQua-Sammelschein, and in the supplementary area the relevant form Nachweisformular. You will also find these and other forms on the website of the Joint Examination Office.
In exceptional cases, e.g. for Erasmus students, proof of an examined assessment can be provided in the form of a Teilleistungsschein. Please contact the Academic Advisory Service if you wish to do so.